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 curing [kjʊr添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 熟化; 固化; 腌制; 熏制; 医治; 处理

[医] 食物加工法(用腌、熏等方法)

  1. A doctor's life is consecrated to curing sick people.
  2. Prevention is better than cure.
  3. The only way to cure backache is to rest.

[ noun ]
the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization
the hardening of concretehe tested the set of the glue

Cure \Cure\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Cured} (k[=u]rd); p. pr. & vb.
n. {Curing}.] [OF. curer to take care, to heal, F., only, to
cleanse, L. curare to take care, to heal, fr. cura. See
1. To heal; to restore to health, soundness, or sanity; to
make well; -- said of a patient.

The child was cured from that very hour. --Matt.
xvii. 18.

2. To subdue or remove by remedial means; to remedy; to
remove; to heal; -- said of a malady.

To cure this deadly grief. --Shak.

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and
gave them power . . . to cure diseases. --Luke ix.

3. To set free from (something injurious or blameworthy), as
from a bad habit.

I never knew any man cured of inattention. --Swift.

4. To prepare for preservation or permanent keeping; to
preserve, as by drying, salting, etc.; as, to cure beef or
fish; to cure hay.

Curing \Cur"ing\ (k?r"?ng),
p. a. & vb. n. of {Cure}.

{Curing house}, a building in which anything is cured;
especially, in the West Indies, a building in which sugar
is drained and dried.

  1. But dermatologists have praised the drug as the only one on the market capable of curing the severe acne that causes deep scarring.
  2. And if the pig is quality meat, its delicious flavour should please gourmets and gourmands alike. Success depends on three things: good meat, careful curing and gentle cooking.
  3. The added risk involved in curing the maintenance problem "increases concern that the station's design is too complex," a congressional aide said.
  4. It has been an ill-health service, devoted to curing conditions which might have been prevented by promoting healthier life-styles.
  5. Little is confident Shorts can improve the capacity utilisation of its autoclave (curing oven) by studying a local bakery, and that a garment manufacturer can pass on valuable lessons about managing materials flow.
  6. The official news agency Tass said the meeting will cover measures for curing the sickly Soviet economy, the economic five-year plan that starts in 1991 and a speech by Premier Nikolai Ryzhkov, who handles economic matters.
  7. He indicated that efforts to push the dollar lower as a way of curing the country's trade problems were doomed to failure as long as more basic problems such as the huge U.S. budget deficit and America's low savings rate were not addressed.
  8. SYNERGY Soft Touch Foams are produced using RapidRelease technology, a proprietary process incorporating a patented CFC- and HCFC-free blowing agent system and an accelerated curing system that reduces the amount of blowing agents released into the foam.
  9. Kidney dialysis costs much more a year than AZT does, and like AZT, it simply prolongs life rather than curing the underlying disease, yet we have found an institutional means of helping people with kidney failure.
  10. "We're not deluded into thinking were curing the problem," said Ashford. "We just want to keep the homeless warm." Ashford said state social services officials estimate there are 1,200 homeless people in Wilmington.
  11. Officials said also that the amount of sodium nitrite used in the dry curing of bacon will be reduced.
  12. A conference on curing homosexuality through sports and therapy has drawn fire from some health professionals and gay activists who say homosexuality cannot cured because it is not a disease.
  13. Both in tackling currency disorder and in curing the Community's most pressing difficulty - lack of economic growth - there can be few grounds for optimism unless Germany rectifies disequilibrium caused by mismanagement of its economic reunification.
  14. He added, "I don't have any plans other than curing a bad problem with my five-iron.
  15. These are setbacks for the Conservative government which took credit for curing the "British disease" of high interest rates and inflation.
  16. The rapid cooling and the curing process should inhibit the growth of food poisoning bacteria, he said.
  17. Scientists today reported finding the first treatment capable of relieving and even curing chronic hepatitis B, one of the world's biggest killers.
  18. Mr. Long said he believes changes to the specialist system are aimed more at enhancing investor confidence in the Big Board than at curing the underlying problems that led to the crash.
  19. Further ahead lies the possibility of curing or preventing diabetes by intervening in the disease process at the molecular level. Diabetes is ultimately an auto-immune disease, triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
  20. Participants in the four-day conference were scheduled to make about 3,600 presentations, but no breakthroughs were expected in ways of curing or preventing the deadly virus.
  21. Federal health officials Thursday mapped a national strategy to improve the health of all Americans by the end of the century, putting the spotlight on preventing rather than curing illness.
  22. "We want medical graduates to meet the needs of the people and not be content with curing diseases," he said.
  23. "We are not curing AIDS itself."
  24. But we should be candid and recognize that we are talking about competing priorities and values, and not about "neutral" means for curing a recession.
  25. Because of such contradictions, many radicals are already predicting that the new regime will have no more success than Mr. Gorbachev in curing the nation's economic ills.
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