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 cunning ['kʌnɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 狡猾的, 巧妙的, 可爱的

[法] 狡猾的的, 狡诈的, 熟练的

  1. He is as cunning as a fox.
  2. She showed her cunning in the way she avoided answering the question.
  3. Many politicians are cunning sophists.

[ noun ]
  1. shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception

  2. <noun.cognition>
  3. crafty artfulness (especially in deception)

  4. <noun.attribute>
[ adj ]
  1. attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness

  2. <adj.all>
    a cute kid with pigtails
    a cute little apartment
    cunning kittens
    a cunning baby
  3. marked by skill in deception

  4. <adj.all>
    cunning men often pass for wise
    deep political machinations
    a foxy scheme
    a slick evasive answer
    sly as a fox
    tricky Dick
    a wily old attorney
  5. showing inventiveness and skill

  6. <adj.all>
    a clever gadget
    the cunning maneuvers leading to his success
    an ingenious solution to the problem

Cunning \Cun"ning\ (k[u^]n"n[i^]ng), a. [AS. cunnan to know, to
be able. See 1st {Con}, {Can}.]
1. Knowing; skillful; dexterous. ``A cunning workman.'' --
Ex. xxxviii. 23.

``Tis beauty truly blent, whose red and white
Nature's own sweet and cunning hand laid on. --Shak.

Esau was a cunning hunter. --Gen xxv. 27.

2. Wrought with, or exhibiting, skill or ingenuity;
ingenious; curious; as, cunning work.

Over them Arachne high did lift

Her cunning web. --Spenser.

3. Crafty; sly; artful; designing; deceitful.

They are resolved to be cunning; let others run the
hazard of being sincere. --South.

4. Pretty or pleasing; as, a cunning little boy. [Colloq.
U.S.] --Barlett.

Syn: {Cunning}, {Artful}, {Sly}, {Wily}, {Crafty}.

Usage: These epithets agree in expressing an aptitude for
attaining some end by peculiar and secret means.
Cunning is usually low; as, a cunning trick. Artful is
more ingenious and inventive; as, an artful device.
Sly implies a turn for what is double or concealed;
as, sly humor; a sly evasion. Crafty denotes a talent
for dexterously deceiving; as, a crafty manager. Wily
describes a talent for the use of stratagems; as, a
wily politician. ``Acunning man often shows his
dexterity in simply concealing. An artful man goes
further, and exerts his ingenuity in misleading. A
crafty man mingles cunning with art, and so shapes his
actions as to lull suspicions. The young may be
cunning, but the experienced only can be crafty.
Slyness is a vulgar kind of cunning; the sly man goes
cautiously and silently to work. Wiliness is a species
of cunning or craft applicable only to cases of attack
and defense.'' --Crabb.

Cunning \Cun"ning\, n. [AS. cunnung trial, or Icel. kunnandi
knowledge. See {Cunning}, a.]
1. Knowledge; art; skill; dexterity. [Archaic]

Let my right hand forget her cunning. --Ps. cxxxvii.

A carpenter's desert
Stands more in cunning than in power. --Chapman.

2. The faculty or act of using stratagem to accomplish a
purpose; fraudulent skill or dexterity; deceit; craft.

Discourage cunning in a child; cunning is the ape of
wisdom. --Locke.

We take cunning for a sinister or crooked wisdom.

  1. "The average person figures I'm a normal guy, not a shyster lawyer or a cunning CPA.
  2. The machines themselves are sold through distributors. Perhaps the most cunning case of profiting by non-employment is Capita, the London-based management consultancy.
  3. But even his detractors say Mr. Blanchard's political cunning has held him in good stead.
  4. It is rich in terraces, unusual views of the water and the barges, and has cunning lighting.
  5. Choppelas said his finding was supported by both oral history handed down through generations of Chinese-American families in Northern California and a story of its origins with elements of life-or-death necessity and cunning business wiles.
  6. For each contest, a select group of cunning volunteers from around the country joins Mr. Sinclair in writing ungodly clues.
  7. "He doesn't pay any more than he has to," Adrian said. "And at Curt's establishment it's business first, everything else second." But Adrian said most Carlson alumni respect the founder for his drive and business cunning.
  8. It is essential, Lugar says, that the next president "tell the truth," no matter how often he is told the world is managed best by deception, guile and cunning.
  9. But there is no point in giving a sum between Pounds 320.01 and Pounds 400 without going through the gift aid formalities. The Charities Aid Foundation has a cunning scheme, the Charity Account, for getting round this.
  10. Take the subject out to lunch; order cocktails and fine wines; push the tape recorder button; use flattery and cunning in approximately equal measure - and suck the victim dry. There is, after all, a trade-off involved.
  11. And we must be prepared to put weapons behind our words,' he said. The speech was a cunning mix of political proposals and jokes.
  12. Iranians call him "kuseh," the shark: some say for the political ruthlessness and cunning that lie behind his smile and sly wit, others say for his lack of facial hair, revealing his Mongolian ancestry, in a nation of bearded men.
  13. The desperate Tory dingoes, low and mean in their cunning, will know what to do. They will yelp and bay around him, corner his party, press Labour to come clean with specific policies and costed proposals so that they may be torn to shreds.
  14. The action takes place in rural Provence in the 1920s, in a world ruled by cunning peasants and cruel nature.
  15. In my mind I pictured them as strange, cunning creatures with identifiable signs - long ears or curling toes.
  16. And for all his cunning, Spiderman shouldn't escape the long arm of the law, either.
  17. A cunning slow bowler?
  18. Says Sergei, an agricultural chemist who asks that his last name not be used, "They're very cunning.
  19. A gun was stolen from the fur store where Charles Stuart once worked, adding another twist to the grisly murder hoax that police now say was not so cunning after all.
  20. The less highly rated characteristics were intelligence (21 per cent), aggression (13 per cent) and cunning (9 per cent).
  21. Incipient bear markets are notoriously cunning at disguising themselves as short-term corrections, and vice versa.
  22. She considers "Dangerous Liaisons," based on the 18th-century novel, her favorite film, admiring the Marquise's cunning and ruthlessness as she spars with the equally formidable Vicomte de Valmont (John Malkovich).
  23. It may have been Spanish cunning, but I suspect that like bullfighting, it was a matter of hit and miss.
  24. The records indicate that 59-year-old Dorothea Montalvo Puente, who was arrested late Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles after a five-day search, could be kind and generous one moment and cunning and cruel the next.
  25. However, she can't bring him up to her equal in brains or cunning.
  26. The City, said one senior Tory during the Pilkington debate, seems "long on cunning and short on morals."
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