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 cubic niter 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 硝酸钠

    Niter \Ni"ter\, Nitre \Ni"tre\, n. [F. nitre, L. nitrum native
    soda, natron, Gr. ?; cf. Ar. nit[=u]n, natr[=u]n natron. Cf.
    1. (Chem.) A white crystalline semitransparent salt;
    potassium nitrate; saltpeter. See {Saltpeter}.

    2. (Chem.) Native sodium carbonate; natron. [Obs.]

    For though thou wash thee with niter, and take thee
    much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me.
    --Jer. ii. 22.

    {Cubic niter}, a deliquescent salt, sodium nitrate, found as
    a native incrustation, like niter, in Peru and Chile,
    whence it is known also as {Chile saltpeter}.

    {Niter bush} (Bot.), a genus ({Nitraria}) of thorny shrubs
    bearing edible berries, and growing in the saline plains
    of Asia and Northern Africa.

    Saltpeter \Salt`pe"ter\, Saltpetre \Salt`pe"tre\,, n. [F.
    salp[^e]tre, NL. sal petrae, literally, rock salt, or stone
    salt; so called because it exudes from rocks or walls. See
    {Salt}, and {Petrify}.] (Chem.)
    Potassium nitrate; niter; a white crystalline substance,
    {KNO3}, having a cooling saline taste, obtained by leaching
    from certain soils in which it is produced by the process of
    nitrification (see {Nitrification}, 2). It is a strong
    oxidizer, is the chief constituent of gunpowder, and is also
    used as an antiseptic in curing meat, and in medicine as a
    diuretic, diaphoretic, and refrigerant.

    {Chili salpeter} (Chem.), sodium nitrate (distinguished from
    potassium nitrate, or true salpeter), a white crystalline
    substance, {NaNO3}, having a cooling, saline, slightly
    bitter taste. It is obtained by leaching the soil of the
    rainless districts of Chili and Peru. It is deliquescent
    and cannot be used in gunpowder, but is employed in the
    production of nitric acid. Called also {cubic niter}.

    {Saltpeter acid} (Chem.), nitric acid; -- sometimes so called
    because made from saltpeter.

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