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 crowbar ['kro`bɑr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 铁挺, 起货钩, 撬棍, 铁撬

[计] 短路器

[化] 撬杆; 撬棍; 撬杠

  1. I got him on the back of the head with a crowbar.
  2. Something, such as a crowbar, that is used to apply leverage.
  3. I get him back of the head a crowbar.

[ noun ]
a heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge

Crowbar \Crow"bar`\ (kr?"b?r), n.
A bar of iron sharpened at one end, and used as a lever.

  1. Ramchand admits there's little he can do to protect himself. Unlike many other drivers, he doesn't even carry a crowbar as a weapon.
  2. He told of holding a flashlight while David Sconce pulled gold teeth from the mouths of a dozen corpses, and said he once saw him smash a corpse's jaw with a crowbar to get at gold teeth.
  3. Koevoet, which means "crowbar" in Afrikaans, was a force organized by South Africa to fight guerrillas of the South-West Africa People's Organization, the main group that fought for the country's independence.
  4. O'Kane appeared in court with a bandaged head and explained that he had been attacked by a masked man with a crowbar in front of his home.
  5. A disturbance broke out at the checkpoint Saturday when a man with a crowbar hacked and hammered at the new metal barriers from the Western side.
  6. Firefighters emerged with one corpse on a narrow bed of wood. They held the blood-soaked body in the air for several minutes when the ambulance door stuck and had to be pried open with a crowbar.
  7. A creature deemed "the autopsy zombie" wears a coroner's handiwork on his chest, and another wanders around with a crowbar impaled in his forehead.
  8. He explains that when police were seizing coin boxes and projectors, the scene was "a little more dramatic," because "you had to knock the coin box off the wall with a crowbar."
  9. A man accused of clubbing his mother with a crowbar and then stabbing her to death in a cocaine frenzy has been ordered to take powerful drugs that may make him competent to stand trial.
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