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 costly ['kɒstli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 昂贵的, 奢华的, 费用大的

  1. His costly mistake resulted in severe loss.
  2. That's as much as the output of a costly converter, thirty feet high, really wonderful!
  3. Passenger ships are a costly way to travel.

costlier, costliest
[ adj ]
  1. entailing great loss or sacrifice

  2. <adj.all>
    a dearly-won victory
  3. having a high price

  4. <adj.all>
    costly jewelry
    high-priced merchandise
    much too dear for my pocketbook
    a pricey restaurant

Costly \Cost"ly\ (k?st"l?; 115), a. [From Cost expense.]
1. Of great cost; expensive; dear.

He had fitted up his palace in the most costly and
sumptuous style, for the accomodation of the
princess. --Prescott.

2. Gorgeous; sumptuous. [Poetic.]

To show how costly summer was at hand. --Shak.

  1. Then, in effect, they'd split up the New York-based textile giant, forgoing a continuation of a costly bidding contest.
  2. Outright acquisitions of other drug makers would be too costly, he said.
  3. While Exxon said it will sell its new gasoline in both premium and midgrade unleaded, it shunned the "cleaner" formulation for the most popular and least costly grade, regular unleaded.
  4. Dravo says the new technology will pay for itself because power plants seeking to comply with tougher acid-rain laws will prefer the Argonox system, which can be fitted to existing scrubbers, to other methods requiring costly equipment changes.
  5. But a critic predicted the pad will never be used because Congress will refuse to pay for the costly military communications and surveillance satellites meant to be launched on Titan 4-Centaurs.
  6. Canadair said the new version, designated the CL-215T, will be equipped with Pratt & Whitney Series 100 turboprop engines that will be less costly to operate than the piston engines that currently power the slower CL-215s.
  7. In severe cases, companies have failed because seemingly brilliant technical ideas never found a market, or proved too costly to develop, or simply couldn't be used by a firm's production employees.
  8. But Shearson expanded more rapidly than any firm during the go-go 1980s, making its current retrenchment more painful and more costly than any other firm's.
  9. West German officials, cautious not to upset their exporters with a more costly mark, have rejected an European Monetary System realignment.
  10. Such panels can be time-consuming and costly to run.
  11. The city's biggest and most costly security and crowd and traffic control operation was the October 1979 visit of Pope John Paul II. The two-day papal visit involved more than 13,000 city police officers and cost more than $3 million.
  12. Living in a private home in a big city is not without problems. "You are your own super and are responsible for all the maintenance, and it's difficult, costly and frustrating to get things repaired," says Kassell.
  13. The authors argue strongly against such an approach: "Dependency at the beginning of the life cycle is between 50% and 100% as costly as dependency at the end of the life cycle.
  14. Traditional regulation puts ceilings on earnings, which he believes has the effect of discouraging costly investments needed to develop new products.
  15. Also, the IRS failed to show the boat was losing value or that maintenance would be too costly, the judge added.
  16. Power said image-building is a lengthy and costly process, and may lag behind a marque's actual sales, as with Lincoln.
  17. He said the investigation is on hold until he receives a call from Tiffany & Co. jewelry store in New York to confirm that the 74-year-old actress had the costly jewelry.
  18. The U.S. hope is that Iraqi forces can be bombed into submission, avoiding the need for a messy and costly ground attack.
  19. Suharto halted a costly two-year war with neighboring Malaysia that had divided the armed forces.
  20. German Chancellor Helmut Kohl denounced attempts to undermine Gorbachev and warned it would be a lot more costly to the rest of the world should Gorbachev fall than to offer emergency aid now.
  21. Some accountants and business executives have turned down the job in the wake of criticism by business that some FASB accounting rules are too costly and complex.
  22. The capital improvements will include a continuous caster, which eliminates several laborious and costly steps in steelmaking, as well as the modernization of an existing bar mill.
  23. Much of the collapse came from its humiliating and costly problems with the Food and Drug Administration.
  24. The walkout has been the Highland Park, Mich., company's most costly in three years.
  25. It blamed the Palestinian rights' committee _ the U.N. Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People _ for provoking the costly publication by the world body, which is hard-pressed for money.
  26. The echidna, though, proved too costly.
  27. The Hanford cleanup is the most costly during the five-year period.
  28. Mr. Galbreath, 62 years old, is also under siege at home. He is fighting two costly lawsuits, including a protracted divorce case, from family members who want a piece of the Galbreath fortune.
  29. Stinger missiles, which Washington began supplying to the guerrillas almost two years ago, are credited with inflicting costly losses on Moscow's air force during the nine-year Soviet military intervention that ended last month.
  30. Bolt, Beranek & Newman, to avoid costly "bad hires" and emphasize the applicant's future, strives harder to divine the "real candidate."
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