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 cosmetology [,kɒzmә'tɒlәdʒi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 美容术

[医] 美容学

  1. Barbra has a two-year associate degree in cosmetology.
  2. The overall image is graceful, beautiful and natural, has manifested the cosmetology profession characteristic well.
  3. Introduce the high quality cosmetology skin care product ILLYSSIA, and specialized cosmetology technology from Europe.

[ noun ]
the practice of beautifying the face and hair and skin

  1. Here, the five members of the cosmetology board are all owners of other salons.
  2. There's good evidence that barring entry was the purpose of Washington's cosmetology board.
  3. Starting in 1982, Mr. Uqdah has petitioned the D.C. Board of Cosmetology to create a license for braiding, since its nonchemical process can't be regarded as cosmetology.
  4. After 50 years as a Roman Catholic missionary visiting the sick, teaching religion and training altar boys, Sister Beatrice Lorenz has found a new calling - cosmetology.
  5. One authentic cosmetology chair is joined by a host of outdated barber equipment bought used or donated.
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