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 correspondingly [ˌkɔris'pɔndiŋli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    in a corresponding manner
    the temperature decreases correspondingly

    Correspondingly \Cor`re*spond"ing*ly\, adv.
    In a corresponding manner; conformably.

    1. Mortgage rates correspondingly dropped from 15.4 per cent to 7.99 per cent over the same period. With mortgage payments so comprehensively reduced, housing affordability has increased.
    2. Brokers and analysts in the British colony loudly criticized the announced issues, saying they would allow key shareholders to maintain controlling stakes without correspondingly large investments.
    3. Public-sector pay will be correspondingly squeezed.
    4. The emerging markets will prove correspondingly vulnerable to any large-scale reversal of investment flows.
    5. Underwriting risk was very small and remuneration was correspondingly slight, it argued. The deal was not the first to offer underwriting fees lower than the norm established in the dark days of the late 1980s.
    6. Dr. Eastman said the laser can operate at any frequency from one to 28 GHz, a wide frequency range, which provides a correspondingly large information-carrying capacity.
    7. Otherwise, the costs of the achievement could prove excessive and the achievement itself correspondingly less plausible.
    8. Coat prices are correspondingly higher but the quality of styles, like Feminella's capacious, perfectly plain wool and cashmere edge-to-edge coat justifies this. Finally, a word of warning.
    9. A more conservative estimate might be about Dollars 40m pre-tax, with a correspondingly higher p/e.
    10. Or, perhaps more accurately, rained on it. Four growing seasons of good rain and correspondingly bountiful harvests have, as much as anything else, helped Tunisia raise GDP by an average of 6.6 per cent a year over the past three years.
    11. Analysts expect that other UK investment banks which have traded on a smaller scale than Warburg, such as Kleinwort Benson, will have suffered correspondingly less. The pattern is repeated in the US, where the biggest traders have suffered most.
    12. This shift was responsible for inflating outlays in December and correspondingly reducing outlays in January.
    13. But this is just a question of forecasting techniques. There can be little doubt that, if sterling continued to drop year after year against the world's main currencies, the UK inflation rate would be correspondingly higher.
    14. GDP could thus be considerably smaller than the chancellor hoped, which would make earlier spending plans correspondingly untenable.
    15. "We found that the higher migration rates of the Sun Belt areas of the South and West went with correspondingly higher rates of alcoholism, suicide, divorce and crime, whether we compared cities or regions," Levine said.
    16. Nevertheless, since I was in my 20s and correspondingly earnest, I assumed that my selection was just, and solemnly filled out my form.
    17. It is arguable that Gas's assets were privatised too cheaply, so the return on existing assets ought to be correspondingly lower.
    18. A WIND of change is blowing through the huge pension fund industry in the US. For years, there has been much talk of portfolio diversification, particularly into international stocks and bonds, and correspondingly little action.
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