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 correct [kə'rɛkt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 正确的, 合适的

vt. 改正, 订正

[经] 修正

  1. I corrected my watch by the time signal.
  2. Your answer to the question is correct.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a llama?' No, it's not.'
     那是美洲驼吗? 要是我说错了, 就请指出来. `那不是.'

[ verb ]
  1. make right or correct

  2. <verb.change> rectify right
    Correct the mistakes
    rectify the calculation
  3. make reparations or amends for

  4. <verb.social>
    compensate redress right
    right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust
  5. censure severely

  6. <verb.communication>
    castigate chasten chastise objurgate
    She chastised him for his insensitive remarks
  7. adjust for

  8. <verb.stative>
    compensate counterbalance even off even out even up make up
    engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance
  9. punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience

  10. <verb.social>
    discipline sort out
    The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently
  11. go down in value

  12. <verb.motion>
    decline slump
    the stock market corrected
    prices slumped
  13. alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard

  14. <verb.change>
    adjust set
    Adjust the clock, please
    correct the alignment of the front wheels
  15. treat a defect

  16. <verb.body>
    The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia
[ adj ]
  1. free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth

  2. <adj.all>
    the correct answer
    the correct version
    the right answer
    took the right road
    the right decision
  3. correct in opinion or judgment

  4. <adj.all>
    time proved him right
  5. socially right or correct

  6. <adj.all>
    it isn't right to leave the party without saying goodbye
    correct behavior
  7. in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure

  8. <adj.all>
    what's the right word for this?
    the right way to open oysters

Correct \Cor*rect"\ (k[^o]r*r[e^]kt"), a. [L. correctus, p. p.
of corrigere to make straight, to correct; cor- + regere to
lead straight: cf. F. correct. See {Regular}, {Right}, and
cf. {Escort}.]
Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth,
rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard; not faulty or
imperfect; free from error; as, correct behavior; correct

Always use the most correct editions. --Felton.

Syn: Accurate; right, exact; precise; regular; faultless. See

Correct \Cor*rect"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Corrected}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Correcting}.]
1. To make right; to bring to the standard of truth, justice,
or propriety; to rectify; as, to correct manners or

This is a defect in the first make of some men's
minds which can scarce ever be corrected afterwards.
--T. Burnet.

2. To remove or retrench the faults or errors of; to amend;
to set right; as, to correct the proof (that is, to mark
upon the margin the changes to be made, or to make in the
type the changes so marked).

3. To bring back, or attempt to bring back, to propriety in
morals; to reprove or punish for faults or deviations from
moral rectitude; to chastise; to discipline; as, a child
should be corrected for lying.

My accuser is my 'prentice; and when I did correct
him for his fault the other day, he did vow upon his
knees he would be even with me. --Shak.

4. To counteract the qualities of one thing by those of
another; -- said of whatever is wrong or injurious; as, to
correct the acidity of the stomach by alkaline

Syn: To amend; rectify; emend; reform; improve; chastise;
punish; discipline; chasten. See {Amend}.

  1. After resisting pressure for months, Audi of America Inc. said it agreed to comply with a government request to recall Audi 5000 series cars to correct possible problems of sudden, unintended acceleration.
  2. Nearly 70 per cent did not know the rate charged on their card, and only 15 per cent guessed in the correct range of 22-25 per cent. The survey found that around 37 per cent of card holders do not pay off their balance in full each month.
  3. Neither forecast proved correct. To make unification a success, Germany will need to maintain public sector transfers from west to east of at least DM100bn (Pounds 35.8bn) a year until the end of the decade.
  4. If opinion polls are correct, Quebeckers will sweep the separatists back into power in a provincial election, ending nine years of rule by the Liberal party, which wants Quebec to remain part of Canada.
  5. Instead of depressing the dollar to correct the trade deficit, Mr. Hagens favors restraints on domestic demand to slow imports.
  6. The EEC high court said the Common Market states had not followed correct procedures when they enacted the ban, which was passed by a written procedure that required unanimity.
  7. The nationalized coal company said several of the code's provisions were "clarified" to eliminate misunderstanding and correct misrepresentations made by leaders of the National Union of Mineworkers.
  8. Given the fact that some banks already have sold some of Brazil's debt in the secondary market at a discount, Mr. Bresser Pereira is no doubt correct in assuming that the market is ready for some form of compromise.
  9. 'It would be wrong to put words into his mouth if they were not correct, but where you have a civil servant giving evidence on behalf of a department, many hands contribute,' he said.
  10. The correct figures can be obtained by removing the leading numeral 3. The correct price for Cocoon's coats is Pounds 200.
  11. The correct figures can be obtained by removing the leading numeral 3. The correct price for Cocoon's coats is Pounds 200.
  12. "If the null corrector is correct, the mirror would be correct," said Daniel Schroeder, a NASA telescope scientist who helped oversee the Hubble project and is chairman of the physics and astronomy department at Beloit College in Wisconsin.
  13. "If the null corrector is correct, the mirror would be correct," said Daniel Schroeder, a NASA telescope scientist who helped oversee the Hubble project and is chairman of the physics and astronomy department at Beloit College in Wisconsin.
  14. An Allen Group spokesman said S&P's action "isn't based on a correct assessment of all the circumstances of the company."
  15. He said the correct figure is 1,700 tanks in 1989 and that is a 40 percent cut from previous years.
  16. Bailey is now 39. He is so ill he can't work, has lost all feeling in one arm, and his brother and sister also have strange allergies and ailments the doctors can't seem to correct.
  17. The commission also said controllers gave the jet's crew an atmospheric pressure reading of 1,027 millibars instead of the correct 1,108.7 millibars.
  18. Columbia's launch had been scheduled for December, but was delayed to allow more time to correct problems on a renovated launch pad and to let workers go home for Christmas and New Year's.
  19. Those who did not demonstrate that their thinking was ideologically correct were not allowed to graduate.
  20. Ronald Reagan, who by the way deplored the MAD doctrine, was correct in calling the vast system controlled by the CPSU an "evil empire."
  21. In response, Taiwan is moving to correct its heavy dependence on exports and its huge trade surplus ($19 billion in 1987) with the U.S. Taiwan's central bank has allowed the New Taiwan dollar to rise about 40% since September 1985.
  22. Burnett said the board did not cite design of the control knob as a factor because the pilot had so many chances to discover and correct it and because Boeing and the FAA already were correcting the problem.
  23. "We think the (Supreme Court) decision was a mistake and we hope to correct it," Vander Molen said before Monday's hearing began.
  24. Mark de Bernardo, special counsel for domestic policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said Reagan is correct in opposing any move by Congress to legislate worker notification protections.
  25. However, if this were the correct explanation, the dollar would have sold off.
  26. "I intend to correct that error, for I fear that I have embarrassed my colleagues."
  27. But even Eberhart concedes it will take years, and millions more dollars, to correct the lab's failings.
  28. The correct extension then receives the call, says Robert McNamara, executive vice president of engineering.
  29. The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials urged President Bush on Monday to support a tax increase as a way to correct what it said is a crisis in housing.
  30. And speaking of trends, the most interesting one this season is how many shows are striving to be politically correct.
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