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 cooler ['kulɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 冷却器

[化] 冷却器

[医] 冷却器

  1. Metals contract as they get cooler.
  2. It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room.
  3. The climate of england is not so mild as that of Japan, but in summer it is much cooler.

[ noun ]
  1. a refrigerator for cooling liquids

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. an iced drink especially white wine and fruit juice

  4. <noun.food>
  5. a cell for violent prisoners

  6. <noun.artifact>

Cool \Cool\, a. [Compar. {Cooler}; superl. {Coolest}.] [AS.
c[=o]l; akin to D. koel, G. k["u]hl, OHG. chouli, Dan.
k["o]lig, Sw. kylig, also to AS. calan to be cold, Icel.
kala. See {Cold}, and cf. {Chill}.]
1. Moderately cold; between warm and cold; lacking in warmth;
producing or promoting coolness.

Fanned with cool winds. --Milton.

2. Not ardent, warm, fond, or passionate; not hasty;
deliberate; exercising self-control; self-possessed;
dispassionate; indifferent; as, a cool lover; a cool

For a patriot, too cool. --Goldsmith.

3. Not retaining heat; light; as, a cool dress.

4. Manifesting coldness or dislike; chilling; apathetic; as,
a cool manner.

5. Quietly impudent; negligent of propriety in matters of
minor importance, either ignorantly or willfully;
presuming and selfish; audacious; as, cool behavior.

Its cool stare of familiarity was intolerable.

6. Applied facetiously, in a vague sense, to a sum of money,
commonly as if to give emphasis to the largeness of the

He had lost a cool hundred. --Fielding.

Leaving a cool thousand to Mr. Matthew Pocket.

Syn: Calm; dispassionate; self-possessed; composed;
repulsive; frigid; alienated; impudent.

Cooler \Cool"er\, n.
That which cools, or abates heat or excitement.

If acid things were used only as coolers, they would
not be so proper in this case. --Arbuthnot.

2. Anything in or by which liquids or other things are
cooled, as an ice chest, a vessel for ice water, etc.

3. An alcoholic beverage containing liquor or wine plus a
carbonated beverage, usually served with ice.

4. jail; -- usually used in the form the cooler. [slang]

4. an air conditioner.

  1. At the referee's whistle, Illinois and teams from Michigan State, Texas A&M and North and South Dakota state universities move in around several dozen half-ton sides of beef swinging from hooks near the ceiling of the cavelike cooler.
  2. The cooler air also brought relief for utilities in Pennsylvania, where Philadelphia Electric Co. was forced to impose a 5 percent voltage reduction Monday.
  3. McFarlane has spent Pounds 8,000 on three walk-in freezer and cooler units.
  4. A storm over central Canada brought cooler temperatures to the northern Great Lakes today and the Pacific Northwest was shrouded in clouds.
  5. Kathy Thornton of Mission Control in Houston told crew members before they went to sleep Sunday that Ulysses was slightly cooler than expected but within its temperature limits.
  6. Of the brewers, Stroh has made the best showing with its White Mountain malt-based cooler.
  7. The National Weather Service forecast wind blowing up to 40 mph, but temperatures were expected to be somewhat cooler, with possible showers in scattered areas of Montana, which is suffering through a severe drought.
  8. Showers and isolated thunderstorms dampened the eastern half of Texas and western Louisiana as warm air from the Gulf of Mexico rolled over a ridge of cooler air hovering over the area.
  9. Indeed, Mr. Willis, the hip star of the TV series "Moonlighting," helped push sales of the cooler to the top of the market.
  10. That movement is what leads to the death of the storms, Bleck went on, cutting off their fuel supply either by moving them over land or over cooler ocean waters where there is less evaporation to provide them a supply of water.
  11. But Mr. Johnston has had a cooler reception from the financial community.
  12. California started the five-year wine cooler boom, and as the market went flat, consumers of that white-wine-and-fruit-juice blend moved up to white wine alone, then the more complex white zinfandel.
  13. The rats were put in an empty cooler and let loose in a field.
  14. Eventually, someone noticed a Styrofoam cooler in the trust department.
  15. Natural-gas prices, which were hurt by a warm first quarter, likewise should be better in the second half with the beginning of cooler weather.
  16. The report warned, however, that after two or three days of cooler weather the heat wave could return.
  17. Researchers were struck not by the damage but by the incongruity of a gleaming water cooler surrounded by overturned equipment in the pilothouse.
  18. The cooler spots, which represent some good buying opportunites, are largely in the Northeast and Southwest.
  19. Well to the north, strong thunderstorms produced wind gusts of almost 65 mph during the night at Fairbanks, Alaska, marking the eastern edge of cooler temperatures and possibly breaking that area's heat wave.
  20. They formed along a front separating the intense heat to the south and cooler Canadian air to the north.
  21. Put a stripey T-shirt or a skinny jumper under it, making it more useful on cooler days, plus another cropped or skinny knit on top.
  22. But analysts said the rain and cooler temperatures were coming too late to greatly benefit the crops; corn plants passed their most vulnerable period in mid-July and most of the soybean crop is past the critical pod-setting stage.
  23. Now Busch is struggling to try to broaden the appeal of its reduced-calorie cooler, Dewey Stevens, which was initially advertised as a diet aid for women.
  24. A newly installed plant should be watered about every other week in cooler weather and once or twice a week through the warmest months for the first year or two.
  25. Mr. Willis, star of the ABC television series "Moonlighting" and one of television's most richly paid spokesmen, is closely identified with bringing Seagram in just two years from fourth place in the cooler category to first place.
  26. Since then, the company said, the wine cooler market "is experiencing modest declines."
  27. West Texas and New Mexico may be cooler than normal, but the far West is expected to see its normal quota of summer heat.
  28. But the early gains were limited by beneficial crop weather. Showers and cooler temperatures were expected to spread across the Corn Belt tonight and tomorrow.
  29. It is mostly tropical on the coast and eastern plains and cooler in the highlands.
  30. The program, which trains dolphins to hunt for mines and enemy frogmen, leaves the animals vulnerable to infection or illness by moving them from cooler to warmer water and subjects them to other stress, they said.
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