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 convincingly [kən'vinsiŋli添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. He argues convincingly.
  2. She replies to my point so convincingly that my argument is soon in tatter.
  3. B: Yes, it was very well deserved as she plays the part so convincingly.

[ adv ]
in a convincing manner
he argued convincingly

Convincingly \Con*vin"cing*ly\, adv.
in a convincing manner; in a manner to compel assent.

  1. The two halves, moreover, have been put together in a convincingly atmospheric acoustic. Purcell's The Fairy Queen is also a Midsummer Night's Dream entertainment, though in this case music and play remain pretty well separate.
  2. As a result, they don't come off convincingly," he says.
  3. It has not yet convincingly emerged from its recession, which began a quarter before that of the US.
  4. However the case cannot have been made sufficiently convincingly if potential and reality remain so far apart.
  5. He is witty, twists difficult questions to his advantage, and convincingly states the case for the east Germans.
  6. Mr. West has a remarkable gift for mimickry; in a previous novel, "The Place in Flowers Where Pollen Rests," he convincingly assumed the voices of Hopi Indians.
  7. Finally, the idea of social order is convincingly affirmed.
  8. So far, he has not done so convincingly.
  9. The links between cancer and high levels of radiation are better documented, most convincingly in studies of 50,000 survivors of the atomic bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  10. At Karachi in February, the German team convincingly won the Champions' Trophy to add to their current European title. Set-piece moves, methodical and well-rehearsed, are at the heart of German success.
  11. As Campbell convincingly demonstrates, Heath was never much of a free market radical.
  12. Curtin's Lina never seems to connect convincingly with Johnnie. Fontaine won an Oscar for the role in which she alternately feared and adored her handsome husband.
  13. And the second problem is whether, when the vice president does make tough charges against his opponent, he can do so convincingly enough to make them stick in the public's mind.
  14. 'There is a desperate need for a full-time cadre of mostly career employees to investigate and prosecute securities fraud,' he argues. Perhaps so, but he fails to make the case convincingly.
  15. Aside from Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, Dukakis is viewed as the strong leader in Minnesota, and ahead less convincingly in Wisconsin and Iowa.
  16. (Actually, McEnroe had quite a lot to do with it, I can assure you). When Becker beat Edberg convincingly in their Brussels semi-final last Saturday, Courier said he expected a difficult final against a man he had never beaten in three previous meetings.
  17. No evidence has been produced to demonstrate convincingly that unitary local government is, per se, better than two-tier.
  18. Mr. Aird convincingly shows that China's government has been willing to do just about anything to reach that goal, justifying their efforts with the neo-Malthusian idea that people inhibit economic growth.
  19. It is a case that Labour has yet to make convincingly. The exchange rate mechanism will constrain the ambitions of whichever party is elected, assuming their resistance to devaluation is sustained.
  20. She convincingly portrays the heiress as a cipher, as Mr. Schrader apparently wants her to, even though this serves only to increase the distance between what you can see and what Ms. Hearst must have felt.
  21. He had the knack of identifying completely with a creative genius of another age, bringing the individual convincingly back to life.
  22. About half are better to some degree, and 10 percent are convincingly improved.
  23. Singh's opposition promised to "be convincingly peace-oriented" and take "a total view of defense rather than a fractured service-by-service approach, which is the case at present." Foreign policy essentials are the same as Gandhi's.
  24. The mood is uncompromisingly dour, from the unlovely Mersey accents to the unlovely attitudes of some convincingly nasty coppers, given to such bibulous pleasantries as 'You're twisted and you're a pairvairt and you'll make a blody good policeman.'
  25. Ms. Weaver convincingly mimics the apes, scratching and harrumphing the way they do, without seeming silly.
  26. Friedman argues convincingly that Americans have been on a very long binge of living beyond their means by running up debt and selling off assets and, lamentably, the tab has been billed to the future.
  27. But how can the Conservatives respond convincingly?
  28. Also there were 'worrying signs' that the housing market had failed to pick up convincingly. The consensus among the panellists was that the government's 4 per cent ceiling for underlying inflation was unlikely to breached by the end of next year.
  29. As part of British Science Week viewers will be asked to participate via telephone in deciding whether people tell lies more convincingly on camera than on radio or in print.
  30. A professional biographer, he writes gracefully and well, sketches character quickly and convincingly, and keeps a satisfactory distance from his subjects.
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