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 constituency [kən'stɪtʃʊənsɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 选民, 顾客, 读者

[法] 选区, 全体选民, 选区内的选民

  1. The Conservative Party is losing ground in that constituency.
  2. The two minority parties sign an electoral pact not to oppose each other in certain constituency.
  3. His constituency at South Leeds was being kept warm for him although he was able to visit once or twice a year.

[ noun ]
the body of voters who elect a representative for their area

Constituency \Con*stit"u*en*cy\
(k[o^]n*st[ict]t"[-u]*[-e]n*s[y^]), n.; pl. {Constituencies}
A body of constituents, as the body of citizens or voters in
a representative district.

  1. Each uses ethnic working-class roots to seek support from a constituency composed of police officers, firefighters and other blue-collar residents who are first-generation Americans born of Eastern European parents.
  2. 'Secondly, when the labour market had its shakeout, it hit the service sector and white-collar employees.' Both factors particularly affected the middle classes - a key Tory constituency.
  3. Mr David Shaw was particularly concerned at the proposal to transfer the Royal Military School for Music from Deal in his Dover constituency.
  4. The Scottish Conservative party manifesto states clearly that racial discrimination has no part in our society.' Lord Whitelaw also distanced himself from Sir Nicholas's speech and said he was cancelling his planned visit to the constituency today.
  5. "Here we are blaming him for listening to his constituency," says Richard Murphy, a former Mideast envoy for President Reagan.
  6. Of the 180 constituency parties responding, only 82 supported variations of one member one vote for selecting parliamentary candidates.
  7. "He has a party in shambles, he has no program left, he has no constituency.
  8. Jackson and Robertson both have strong bases in the region, but each needs to reach beyond his core constituency.
  9. He will be at the heart of Prime Minister John Major's campaign, but outside his constituency you will neither see nor hear him pressing the case for a fourth Tory term. Mr Richard Ryder is one of the most powerful figures in the Conservative party.
  10. The row came as the Bolsover MP called for a public inquiry into the level of dioxins on agricultural land in his constituency.
  11. The army was called out to stop election violence in a constituency where police gunfire and battles between political rivals left at least 13 people dead, police and news reports said today.
  12. If members of parliament nominated only one candidate, there would be no need for the constituency parties and trade union members to exercise their one-member-one-vote muscle. That would be a mistake.
  13. Abisai Masinde, candidate for western Emuhaya constituency said he nearly did not make it to present his election papers because he was kidnapped.
  14. But the army is one constituency President Zia can't afford to anger.
  15. The Tory vote was split in many constituencies by Reform, allowing the Liberal candidate to come up the middle. Ms Kim Campbell, who took over as Conservative leader and prime minister four months ago, was defeated in her Vancouver constituency.
  16. In addition, Gov. Cuomo's environmentalist constituency will be equally repulsed by Hydro's next phase of development, which will include flooding an area the size of Lake Ontario.
  17. His constituency is the most vocal of South Korea's students, blue-collar workers and voters from his home province of Cholla, unified by their resentment of a government that has given them the short end of the development stick.
  18. And as the Post Office's managing director, Mr Bill Cockburn, pointedly remarks, in every marginal constituency there is a marginal post office. But as Mr Cockburn also makes clear, there are distinct problems with the status quo.
  19. Traditional liberalism's constituency remains wide enough to ensure congressional incumbency but too weak to win the presidency.
  20. The challenge to Ms. Suu Kyi's candidacy was raised by Labang Grong, a candidate for the the National Unity Party running in the same Rangoon constituency.
  21. L.C. Jain, the campaign manager of opposition candidate Raj Mohan Gandhi, told reporters that Congress Party "goons, hoodlums and gangsters took over polling booths" in the constituency and stuffed ballot boxes.
  22. Does such a constituency exist across the whole of the developed world? Tightening policy in the midst of an expansion hurts debtors.
  23. Mr Quiles is standing as a Socialist candidate in the nearby constituency of Tarn in next month's election. Elf yesterday insisted it had begun consultations on the relocation but had not made a final decision.
  24. Prime Minister Kebby Musokotwane held on to his constituency and is expected to remain premier in the new Cabinet.
  25. Fowler says that Thatcher promised at once that never again would regional and constituency interests of a cabinet member be so overlooked. By any but the very highest standards, Fowler had a successful ministerial career.
  26. Dukakis adviser Brountas apologized to Jackson yesterday, but he still complains "my constituency has no place on the team."
  27. Yet the UK continues to send a higher proportion of the populace to prison than almost any other country in the Council of Europe. The mood among constituency representatives is likely to be in favour of stronger measures to fight crime.
  28. Whatever the facts, the suit is at the very least a pointed reminder that Pat Robertson grew up not as a member of his disenfranchised constituency, but as the son of a U.S. senator.
  29. He won the votes of 60 per cent of the members of the Westminster and European parliaments, almost as high a share of constituency party members' support, and more than half the trade union ballot.
  30. It is generally conceded here that most of the government's opportunistic constituency would switch sides immediately should the ruling party lose.
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