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 conservatism [kən'sɚvə`tɪzəm]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 保守, 守旧性, 保守主义, [the]保守党的主张和政策, 保守党

[医] 保守性

[经] 隐健主义, 保守主义

  1. His opinions smacked of conservatism.
  2. A wave of conservatism.
  3. There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society.

[ noun ]
a political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes

Conservatism \Con*serv"a*tism\, n. [For conservatism.]
The disposition and tendency to preserve what is established;
opposition to change; the habit of mind; or conduct, of a

  1. The foot-dragging is not simply an innate conservatism.
  2. Murillo _ hair cut in a short punk style, dressed in tight yellow pants and a Hawaiian-style flowered shirt _ said she worried about the new government's cultural conservatism.
  3. So when party leader Neil Kinnock spoke of the need for realism, he meant recognizing the irrevocable change wrought by nearly 10 years of Mrs. Thatcher's rigorous brand of conservatism.
  4. What Mr. Buchanan has to say is pure red-white-and-blue American conservatism without any ifs, ands or buts to it.
  5. Helms gleefully tweaked his antagonists, the "ultraliberal establishm" promising to press on with his agenda, a combination of traditional anti-big government conservatism and anti-abortion, anti-homosexual and other appeals.
  6. Meanwhile, those bank cards seem to be an exception to the new conservatism of lenders.
  7. "There's a certain amount of conservatism that comes from the financial realities of the year.
  8. 'A prudent policy today means extreme conservatism,' says Mr Gyorgy Ivanyi, president of Inter-Europa Bank.
  9. Rather than concede the political right to television and newspaper commentator Patrick Buchanan, the Bush administration now plans to engage him directly, arguing that his view of conservatism is narrow and outmoded.
  10. Ironically, some of the brightest prospects come from mainlander families, and walk a fine line between conservatism and pragmatic thinking.
  11. He called it part of a long-term strategy of converting America to conservatism.
  12. By his perception, these elements are in collusion, trying to move the Democratic Party to the center, nearer to Republican conservatism.
  13. 'The older audiences tend to have higher disposable income,' he says, adding that one of his most successful events in recent months was a 'Solid Silver Sixties tour'. Others fear this growing conservatism could backfire on the industry.
  14. Since becoming governor in January, Wilder has visited 11 states, including the early presidential sweepstakes states of New Hampshire and Iowa, carrying his message of fiscal conservatism and social activism.
  15. Competitors are pulling out because they need to deal with the problems of their corporate lending.' For the foreseeable future, companies such as Jaccs are likely to find that their conservatism becomes the financial fashion.
  16. Many of Fujisankei's dozens of media organizations espouse conservatism and nationalism.
  17. His leadership over 100 days, or 130, and probably over four or eight years, will not satisfy their yearning for the certainties of Ronald Reagan's conservatism.
  18. Instead, the MOF's resistance is considered symbolic of its innate conservatism.
  19. The Lutheran state church was one of the last bastions of conservatism to yield to feminism in this open-minded country, where sexual equality has long been a watchword.
  20. Duke, 39, has cloaked himself in the drape of GOP conservatism. A recent statewide mailing touts working for welfare, no new taxes, gun rights and the elimination of affirmative action.
  21. The Supreme Court's slow journey toward conservatism over the past two decades became a quick-paced march in its 1988-89 term, with Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist leading and Ronald Reagan's three appointees right with him.
  22. For all their rhetoric, however, the Republicans are finding that the political opportunity they see in the educational issue is blunted by a fundamental tenet of conservatism: the principle of local control of the schools.
  23. The French view it as the archetype of "la province," a term that designates everything that isn't Paris and conjures up images of stolid conservatism.
  24. He predicted the issuance of "speculative-grade" bonds, otherwise known as junk bonds, would plunge by at least 50 percent this year and that attitudes would shift toward financial conservatism.
  25. England said Clinton can help clarify Dukakis' positions on national defense and nuclear weapons, while stressing his fiscal conservatism in Massachusetts.
  26. They are the object of admiration for their efforts to bring the arts to the hinterlands, and the target of complaints by some performers and critics for their entrenched conservatism regarding repertoire.
  27. Mr Buchanan mixes tax-cutting conservatism with neo-isolationist 'America First' rhetoric.
  28. In his letter to Ratzinger in April, the pope, possibly establishing the framework for the reported agreement, cited possible problems and advantages of both conservatism and "progressism" in the church.
  29. Once the wellspring of Yankee thrift and flinty conservatism, New Hampshire in the 1980s was transformed by explosive economic and population growth.
  30. Formerly a bastion of conservatism dedicated to enforcing ideological orthodoxy and a rigorous uniformity among all schools, it now allows school councils to choose their own academic programs from a list of alternatives.
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