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 connote [kən'not]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 含蓄着, 内涵着, 意味着


    connote \con*note"\ (k[o^]n*n[=o]t"), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {connoted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {connoting}.] [See {connotate},
    and {cote}.]
    1. To mark along with; to suggest or indicate as additional;
    to designate by implication; to include in the meaning; to

    Good, in the general notion of it, connotes also a
    certain suitableness of it to some other thing.

    2. (Logic) To imply as an attribute.

    The word ``white'' denotes all white things, as
    snow, paper, the foam of the sea, etc., and ipmlies,
    or as it was termed by the schoolmen, connotes, the
    attribute ``whiteness.'' --J. S. Mill.

    1. Barristers treasure their old wigs, as smelly and filthy as they are, because they connote wisdom and experience.
    2. And then the niggling doubts begin to creep in. Was the idea of reverie, with all that that word has come to connote of the quasi-mystical wedding of intellect, subjectivity and the unconscious mind, quite enough?
    3. Independent Counsel Lawrence E. Walsh took a riverboat gamble by steering a federal grand jury to a catch-all indictment which includes charges that connote greed by the four major Iran-Contra principals, legal experts say.
    4. The name is supposed to connote feminine grandeur, but in Japanese it means "eyeglasses."
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