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 comp [kɑmp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 电脑及相关知识; DOS内部命令:比较两个文件的内容

  1. COMP Compares the contents of two files or sets of files.
  2. Comp:. We would rather receive money than the usual gifts.
  3. He peered at the comp- uter screen,wondering what his programming mistake was.
    他仔细地看着计算机的显 示屏,想知道他的程序出 了什么错.

[ noun ]
an intensive examination testing a student's proficiency in some special field of knowledge
she took her comps in English literature

  1. California also saw one of the most recent efforts to reform workers' comp, in legislation passed last year. Benefit levels were hiked while some of the other costs were attacked.
  2. In California, which is having one of the worst employment falloffs and not coincidentally is a workers' comp playground, the "forensic doctors" actually got more from the game in 1990 than did the attorneys.
  3. Unions and some academics say lawsuits wouldn't be a problem if employees didn't feel abandoned, if state workers' comp agencies promptly and conscientiously adjudicated claims.
  4. Many of those who engage in this shadowy commerce also receive such government benefits as unemployment comp, Aid to Families with Dependent Children or food stamps.
  5. It is outrageous to suggest that states can be successful by limiting the universe of injuries their workers' comp law covers.
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