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 commodore ['kɒmәdɒ:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 海军准将, 船队队长

[法] 船长, 舰队司令官

  1. The Air Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.
  2. The air commodore brief the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.
  3. The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy.

[ noun ]
a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral

Commodore \Com"mo*dore`\, n. [Prob. a corruption of commander,
or Sp. comendador a knight of a military order who holds a
commandery; also a superior of a monastery, fr. LL.
commendare to command. Cf. {Commend}, {Command},
1. (U. S. Navy) An officer who ranks next above a captain;
sometimes, by courtesy, the senior captain of a squadron.
The rank of commodore corresponds with that of brigadier
general in the army.

2. (British Navy) A captain commanding a squadron, or a
division of a fleet, or having the temporary rank of rear

3. A title given by courtesy to the senior captain of a line
of merchant vessels, and also to the chief officer of a
yachting or rowing club.

4. A familiar for the flagship, or for the principal vessel
of a squadron or fleet.

  1. Mr. Hubbard was a Nebraska-born science-fiction writer who, after a stint in the Navy, took to calling himself "commodore."
  2. Attorney General Soekarton Marmosudjono, a navy commodore, was a law graduate of the state-run Gajah Mada University in Jogjakarta, Central Java.
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