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 comb [kәum]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 头梳, 鸡冠

vt. 梳头发, 梳毛

vi. (浪)涌起

[医] 栉(昆虫), 鸡冠, 肉冠

  1. She wore a small comb as an ornament.
  2. The police have combed the city for the murderer.
  3. He combed through the files searching for evidence of fraud.

[ noun ]
  1. a flat device with narrow pointed teeth on one edge; disentangles or arranges hair

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birds

  4. <noun.animal>
  5. any of several tools for straightening fibers

  6. <noun.artifact>
  7. ciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophore

  8. <noun.animal>
  9. the act of drawing a comb through hair

  10. <noun.act>
    his hair needed a comb
[ verb ]
  1. straighten with a comb

  2. <verb.contact>
    comb your hair
  3. search thoroughly

  4. <verb.contact> ransack
    They combed the area for the missing child
  5. smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb

  6. <verb.body>
    comb out disentangle
    comb your hair before dinner
    comb the wool

Comb \Comb\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Combed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
To disentangle, cleanse, or adjust, with a comb; to lay
smooth and straight with, or as with, a comb; as, to comb
hair or wool. See under {Combing}.

Comb down his hair; look, look! it stands upright.

Comb \Comb\ (k[=o]m; 110), n. [AS. camb; akin to Sw., Dan., & D.
kam, Icel. kambr, G. kamm, Gr. ? a grinder tooth, Skr. jambha
1. An instrument with teeth, for straightening, cleansing,
and adjusting the hair, or for keeping it in place.

2. An instrument for currying hairy animals, or cleansing and
smoothing their coats; a currycomb.

3. (Manuf. & Mech.)
(a) A toothed instrument used for separating and cleansing
wool, flax, hair, etc.
(b) The serrated vibratory doffing knife of a carding
(c) A former, commonly cone-shaped, used in hat
manufacturing for hardening the soft fiber into a bat.
(d) A tool with teeth, used for chasing screws on work in
a lathe; a chaser.
(e) The notched scale of a wire micrometer.
(f) The collector of an electrical machine, usually
resembling a comb.

4. (Zo["o]l.)
(a) The naked fleshy crest or caruncle on the upper part
of the bill or hood of a cock or other bird. It is
usually red.
(b) One of a pair of peculiar organs on the base of the
abdomen of scorpions.

5. The curling crest of a wave.

6. The waxen framework forming the walls of the cells in
which bees store their honey, eggs, etc.; honeycomb. ``A
comb of honey.'' --Wyclif.

When the bee doth leave her comb. --Shak.

7. The thumbpiece of the hammer of a gunlock, by which it may
be cocked.

Comb \Comb\, v. i. [See {Comb}, n., 5.] (Naut.)
To roll over, as the top or crest of a wave; to break with a
white foam, as waves.

Comb \Comb\, Combe \Combe\ (? or ?), n. [AS. comb, prob. of
Celtic origin; cf. W. cwm a dale, valley.]
That unwatered portion of a valley which forms its
continuation beyond and above the most elevated spring that
issues into it. [Written also {coombe}.] --Buckland.

A gradual rise the shelving combe
Displayed. --Southey.

Comb \Comb\, n.
A dry measure. See {Coomb}.

Coomb \Coomb\, n. [AS. cumb a liquid measure, perh. from LL.
cumba boat, tomb of stone, fr. Gr. ? hollow of a vessel, cup,
boat, but cf. G. kumpf bowl.]
A dry measure of four bushels, or half a quarter. [Written
also {comb}.]

  1. Despite his requests for some money, Eastern supplied him only with a razor, toothbrush and comb, he says.
  2. Youngsters hover over her pink nightie, little doll and blue comb.
  3. So they use the money to buy woolen yarn wholesale in Santiago, then comb the countryside in a horsecart selling it door-to-door.
  4. When asked about asset sales at a recent meeting with securities analysts, Chairman John S. Reed said the bank "is looking at asset utilizations and the scope of our business activities with a fine-tooth comb."
  5. One customer even sought her out to comb out a huge knot.
  6. Equity holders, though, will want to comb the accompanying circular before deciding what to do. Theoretically, Tiphook could yet emerge as an attractively-geared recovery stock.
  7. Today is traditionally one of the busiest shopping days of the year, as hordes descend to return gifts and comb aisles for after-Christmas deals.
  8. The dog grooming comb.
  9. When the New York Times reported this additional fee, Black Manafort quickly wrote Rep. Tom Lantos, a California Democrat who is chairman of the subcommittee, to request additional time to comb its financial records.
  10. In 1989, the US Congress created the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) to comb through vast databases of records accumulated by hospitals, insurers, and government health programmes since the late 1980s.
  11. A manager at GPT, the telecommunications division, displays the four pages of his monthly financial report, which have been pored over with a fine-toothed comb even though the business only has an annual turnover of just Pounds 20m.
  12. He pressed a comb to his lips and distracted his captive audience with a subterranean concert.
  13. College professors often use sabbaticals to write books, launch archeological digs or comb through musty archives.
  14. A large brokerage firm can comb the country for certificates with attractive yields, and then make them available to customers in any of its branches.
  15. I'd like to show him I can play a comb." A leader during the coal strikes that crippled the mining industry over the summer has been found dead, and fellow miners fear he was the victim of a revenge killing, a newspaper said Saturday.
  16. Frank Baxter, Jefferies president and chief executive officer, said, "We had lawyers go through (the option agreements) with a fine-tooth comb before we did them."
  17. Most of the comb on the next two frames had not yet been capped and when I gently shook the bees off there were hundreds of freshly-laid eggs, proof of an active and prolific queen.
  18. The Bald Facts "We get too soon old and too late smart," As many of us are aware; Experience is the comb life gives you After you've lost most of your hair.
  19. She asked if I had a comb.
  20. Today the woman's living room mantle is lined with his electric clippers, comb, brush and scissors, all immortalized in bronze.
  21. "We don't want to see investors having to comb through an 800-page document looking for a risk analysis," Richard Breeden, the SEC's chairman, said.
  22. The women of Begajah still comb their hair each morning after bathing, but no longer for profit.
  23. Syringes, blood vials and other waste had washed up at Jones Beach, Robert Moses State Park and other locations along 25 miles of Long Island shore. The workers were enlisted to comb the closed beaches for additional items of waste.
  24. And when Fricke's 70mm camera zooms in on small details - an Aboriginal man using a plastic comb to paint his face, for instance - he comes close to making his point.
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