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 colonies 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 殖民地(colony的复数)

  1. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea and lose its colonies.
  2. Then, those organisms that grow into colonies will be specifically the ones that can degrade the target substance (and thereby extract energy from it).
  3. Analyzing the grain logistics current situation, this paper proposes a distributed algorithm based on ant colonies to optimize the dynamic assignment of components to orders.

Colony \Col"o*ny\ (k[o^]l"[-o]*n[y^]), n.; pl. {Colonies}
(k[o^]l"[-o]*n[i^]z). [L. colonia, fr. colonus farmer, fr.
colere to cultivate, dwell: cf. F. colonie. Cf. {Culture}.]
1. A company of people transplanted from their mother country
to a remote province or country, and remaining subject to
the jurisdiction of the parent state; as, the British
colonies in America.

The first settlers of New England were the best of
Englishmen, well educated, devout Christians, and
zealous lovers of liberty. There was never a colony
formed of better materials. --Ames.

2. The district or country colonized; a settlement.

3. a territory subject to the ruling governmental authority
of another country and not a part of the ruling country.

4. A company of persons from the same country sojourning in a
foreign city or land; as, the American colony in Paris.

5. (Nat. Hist.) A number of animals or plants living or
growing together, beyond their usual range.

6. (Bot.) A cell family or group of common origin, mostly of
unicellular organisms, esp. among the lower alg[ae]. They
may adhere in chains or groups, or be held together by a
gelatinous envelope.

7. (Zo["o]l.) A cluster or aggregation of zooids of any
compound animal, as in the corals, hydroids, certain
tunicates, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

8. (Zo["o]l.) A community of social insects, as ants, bees,
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

9. (Microbiology) a group of microorganisms originating as
the descendents of one individual cell, growing on a
gelled growth medium, as of gelatin or agar; especially,
such a group that has grown to a sufficient number to be
visible to the naked eye.

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