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 collectively [kə'lektivli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 集合, 聚合性, 共同, 集体主义, 集团, 集体

  1. A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.
  2. Having made the necessary changes, he was satisfied that he had a team which would collectively handle the task.
  3. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.

[ adv ]
in conjunction with; combined
our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damagewe couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together

Collectively \Col*lect"ive*ly\, adv.
In a mass, or body; in a collected state; in the aggregate;

  1. According to the draft law, state enterprises could be "collectively owned" by workers, or rented, or turned into "shareholder societies."
  2. Buying much of that equipment are the service, retail, wholesale and communications concerns, which collectively outspend manufacturers these days.
  3. In the early 1970s, three were set up for leading groups of state employees (mainly men) who did not strike or collectively bargain: top civil servants and judges; doctors and dentists; and the armed forces.
  4. PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) _ A committee appointed to investigate killings that caused the cancellation of national elections said it had identified the assailants "collectively" but named no individuals, a radio station reported.
  5. The best self-administered schemes are set up on nil-commission terms so recommending them is not usually in the interests of the adviser. Sipps require partners to act collectively.
  6. Horsham previously sought to reach a settlement with Apex's unsecured creditors, who are collectively owed about $900 million, as a step toward acquiring Apex itself.
  7. The mayors hope to lobby collectively for money they believe can be saved from a reduced need for military spending.
  8. Lawrence S. Coben, a senior vice president of Catalyst who is a member of the offering group, said the group collectively owns between 4% and 5% of Catalyst's stock.
  9. The media collectively have decided that the story is more important than anything else, including accountability, and have willingly provided the hiding place from which their sources can fire away.
  10. Individual plans negotiate collectively with medical-care providers within the framework of aggregate targets set by government.
  11. IBM gave one of its top sales executives, Ned C. Lautenbach, a new job supervising Mr. Ebker's division, a software division and a grab bag of other businesses IBM collectively dubbed "Application Solutions."
  12. By acting collectively, governments will recover a degree of control over their economies, which they have lost at the national level.
  13. (Information from Lesur Promotion Hardelot 21 91 91 00). Earlier this year a group of established British-based estate agents offering property in France combined to form Groupe France, which collectively almost covers the country.
  14. THE GREAT thing about Ascot-dress is never, ever to confuse it with fashion. Ascot, like most of the summer events which collectively make-up the season, could be declared a fashion-free zone.
  15. I support the United Nations and its effort to collectively improve the condition of the planet.
  16. We have decided collectively how the individuals on our delegation will be voting.
  17. This plan might even allow the industry to decide collectively how much capacity should be closed and whose plants should be closed.
  18. The first is a new breed of much younger musicians with lots of sex appeal, carefully cultivated by the record companies. The men tend to be known collectively as 'new country hunks' or 'hat acts,' because of the cowboy hats many of them favour.
  19. The hospitals, set up in 1916, collectively maintain only 199 of the state's more than 15,800 hospital beds on a budget of $6.8 million.
  20. Mr. Darman likes to say "we're collectively irresponsible" for this deficit, which certainly beats self-criticism.
  21. The partners say their art comes in deciding collectively which of a number of companies with similar financial profiles is the right investment.
  22. Alabama and South Carolina, with major hazardous waste landfills inside their borders, organized the association of "net importer states" to work collectively to make exporter states share the disposal problem.
  23. Two of the four-engine BAe-146 planes are in the Queen's Flight, as the royal aircraft are collectively known.
  24. "Five of the top 10 brands are expected to post advances in 1990, collectively recording a projected gain of 1.2 percent to 130.8 million barrels," said the wine, spirits and beer industries tracker Impact.
  25. Since they had no tribe of their own, they became known collectively as the Congo tribe.
  26. The health plans that have collapsed in recent years are known collectively as Multiple Employer Trusts or Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements.
  27. OPEC members collectively are pumping more than 3 million barrels in excess of the aggregate ceiling the cartel agreed to in late 1986 to try to defend the $18 price.
  28. A collection of political have-nots is out to accomplish collectively what its members couldn't do individually: Defeat the powers of congressional incumbency.
  29. The House of Representatives, both collectively and individually, is not equipped to judge Barney Frank in this matter.
  30. Mr. Nechaev notes that factories and farms collectively are 200 billion rubles in the red, with many unable to meet payrolls.
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