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 cohesiveness [kəu'hi:sivnis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. The software gives it a high degree of cohesiveness and transparency.
  2. It was the most genuine spirit of Zomax, with incomparable cohesiveness, which had been manifested in the storm.
  3. Has direct influence on the public image of the company through the look, cohesiveness, consistency and content of all public materials.

[ noun ]
  1. the state of cohering or sticking together

  2. <noun.state>
  3. the property of being cohesive and sticky

  4. <noun.attribute>

Cohesive \Co*he"sive\, a.
1. Holding the particles of a homogeneous body together; as,
cohesive attraction; producing cohesion; as, a cohesive

2. Cohering, or sticking together, as in a mass; capable of
cohering; tending to cohere; as, cohesive clay.

{Cohesive attraction}. See under {Attraction}. --
{Co*he"sive*ly}, adv. -- {Co*he"sive*ness}, n.

  1. Like others, Lugar noted that a probable silver lining to their worries is the continued cohesiveness of the Soviet military.
  2. For this reason, West German political leaders are trying to make their country's resurgence coincide with moves to enhance the power and cohesiveness of the 12-nation European Community.
  3. It has given America the economic strength which is the world's envy; yet it has also robbed the nation of its basic decency and social cohesiveness by defining all conduct in "relativistic" and "situational" terms.
  4. His experience was that groups that used hazing to strengthen their feeling of cohesiveness generally pledged people who did not graduate and who had problems with drug abuse.
  5. Communist officials are faced not so much with the prospect of losing power to an organized opposition as they are with losing their cohesiveness and the trust of the people.
  6. In addition to helping feed the hungry, the contest's purpose is to build community cohesiveness and civic pride, said Ann Lewellen, public relations director of Decatur Advantage in Decatur, Ill.
  7. Following up on his 1986 State of the Union pledge to thoroughly analyze the state of families in America, Reagan accepted a series of recommendations by his White House Office of Policy Development on how to build family cohesiveness.
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