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 chute [ʃu:t]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 瀑布, 斜槽

[化] 斜槽; 滑槽; 滑运道

  1. A chute or conduit.
  2. An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs.
  3. I put it down their own mail chute.

[ noun ]
  1. rescue equipment consisting of a device that fills with air and retards your fall

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. sloping channel through which things can descend

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. jump from an airplane and descend with a parachute

  2. <verb.motion> jump parachute

Chute \Chute\, n. [F. chute, prop. a fall.]
1. A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which
objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower level,
or through which water passes to a wheel.

2. See {Shoot}.

Shoot \Shoot\, n. [F. chute. See {Chute}. Confused with shoot to
let fly.]
An inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which
timber, coal, etc., are caused to slide; also, a narrow
passage, either natural or artificial, in a stream, where the
water rushes rapidly; esp., a channel, having a swift
current, connecting the ends of a bend in the stream, so as
to shorten the course. [Written also {chute}, and {shute}.]
[U. S.]

{To take a shoot}, to pass through a shoot instead of the
main channel; to take the most direct course. [U.S.]

  1. According to Kelly, maintenance personnel at the airport said the plane's chutes worked properly and that people often suffer ankle and back sprains from the sharp drop down an emergency chute.
  2. Cheri Quinn, an off-duty Northwest flight attendant who was on the DC-9, said a similar chute at the plane's left front exit failed to open and passengers were forced to jump or were lowered to the ground.
  3. This year the park decided to drop its "Raz Ma Taz" song show, and replace it with the Rocket Car: A stunt man rides a little car down a chute, flips in the air and comes down on a landing pad, or (occasionally) in the nearby lagoon.
  4. Skydiver Scott Delong, a member of the university's parachute club, descended under a green and white chute carrying the exams.
  5. Most of the work is carried out by volunteers, although inmates from the Anvil Mountain Correctional Center have helped install the sled chute at the finish, City manager Polly Prchal said.
  6. After all remaining passengers had unloaded, Cronin said he and the other two crew members left by way of an emergency chute.
  7. A Frenchman who made a world-record 14,000 parachute jumps fell to his death when his chute didn't open properly, officials said.
  8. He opened the reserve chute, but the chutes tangled and he could not free them.
  9. After Konstabel began ascending he cut his main parachute away and descended using his reserve chute, said Henry Szczepanski, sky-diving instructor for Konstabel's group.
  10. Though the main chute did not open during the flight, Mizell reported that the smaller parachute broke the fall and divers recovered the floating 30-pound package about two miles offshore. They reported it appeared to be undamaged.
  11. "Our job is to come out of the chute smoking," he says.
  12. Gaither walked in front of a running engine and was drawn into the intake chute, Lael said.
  13. Neither the jump parachute nor a reserve chute were opened, he said.
  14. "Always, always," he tells his young charges, "carry a tape measure with you in this sport." Watching from an easy chair, the luge looks like a simple enough sport: You lie on your back and slide down an ice-covered chute.
  15. A college student who gave birth in her dormitory and apparently tossed the infant down a garbage chute was charged Monday with first-degree murder.
  16. This is a super country which is slowly and surely going down the chute. 'Sometimes people say to me: 'If you're not satisfied, why don't you push off and live somewhere else?'
  17. Gonzalez-Gonzalez was thwarted when the pilot landed the Boeing 737 at Austin's Robert Mueller Municipal Airport and a police officer climbed up an emergency chute and overpowered him.
  18. The canopy's small pilot chute, which fills with air and deploys the main chute, apparently became tangled as she tumbled, Jack Guthrie, owner of Cedar Valley Free Fall.
  19. The canopy's small pilot chute, which fills with air and deploys the main chute, apparently became tangled as she tumbled, Jack Guthrie, owner of Cedar Valley Free Fall.
  20. "But by the time he cleared her he was at just 200 feet and by the time he pulled his chute open he had hit," he said.
  21. The rocket-powered ejection seat carried Carter 200 feet into the air, barely high enough for his chute to open.
  22. Blais, who reviewed the videotape with a U.S. Parachutists Association official, said the student's primary chute became caught between her legs.
  23. At the same time, Todd in his barber shop at the other end of the stage is singing wistfully about Johanna while he distractedly slits the throat of a customer and drops him casually through a chute to Mrs. Lovett's bake shop below.
  24. "He was just tumbling and falling to 500 feet," Mayfield said. "I saw his pilot chute come out and then a ball of garbage.
  25. Ballard said the victim's chute was open, and officials weren't sure exactly how he died.
  26. Apparently he'd had a tight squeak before on a flight and he was the only one in the crew who had his 'chute on.
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