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 chin [tʃɪn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 下巴, 颏

[医] 颏

  1. He was so fat that he had a double chin.
  2. His chin was covered with bristles.
  3. She tied a bib under her son's chin.

chinned, chinning
[ noun ]
  1. the protruding part of the lower jaw

  2. <noun.body>
  3. Kamarupan languages spoken in western Burma and Bangladesh and easternmost India

  4. <noun.communication>
[ verb ]
  1. raise oneself while hanging from one's hands until one's chin is level with the support bar

  2. <verb.motion> chin up

Chin \Chin\ (ch[i^]n), n. [AS. cin, akin to OS. kin, G kinn,
Icel. kinn, cheek, Dan. & Sw. kind, L. {gena}, Gr. ?; cf.
Skr. hanu. [root]232.]
1. The lower extremity of the face below the mouth; the point
of the under jaw.

2. (Zo["o]l.) The exterior or under surface embraced between
the branches of the lower jaw bone, in birds.

  1. I need to have a certain amount of the chin sticking out." A dispute between the Soviet Union and the United States over the use of X-ray equipment to inspect Soviet missile canisters is close to being resolved, the State Department said Monday.
  2. Woodell received stitches above his eye and on his chin.
  3. "Gary represents the character in all of us who is afraid to grow up," says Horton, who has long blond hair and a thick growth of stubble on his chin. "I think the main reason for that is that he's afraid to admit the end of his potential.
  4. There is certainly no pause for character development; about all we learn of Danny is that he is short, "plump, usually sported one day's growth on his chin and liked green sport shirts," yet overpoweringly attractive to beautiful women.
  5. The gunman, identified by police as El Sayed A. Noseir, 37, was shot in the chin by a police officer and hospitalized.
  6. The resulting shape of her chin was a hideous disfigurement of a once beautiful woman.
  7. The contraption, a mass of metal bands and pointers circling a mannequin's head, was patented by Factor in 1932 to measure the distance between the eyes, the length of the chin and other aspects of a woman's face.
  8. Machine gun bullets stitched one man from his chin to his stomach.
  9. Wesbecker eventually ended up in a pressroom in an annex, where he killed himself with a shot under his chin, Dotson said.
  10. Both displayed the quality of chin that enabled them to take punches that would have floored lesser men.
  11. Vannerson said he later pulled his Rolls-Royce behind Cunningham's Porsche at a traffic light and said Cunningham jumped out, punched him in the chin through his open window, then sped off.
  12. It got his chin above water." A long list of Democrats have claimed momentum in the presidential nomination race, none of them yet able to sustain it. People like Gary Hart, Richard Gephardt and Paul Simon had moments in the sun.
  13. He was out of danger after surgery for a bullet wound on his chin, the United News of India said.
  14. She "observed Gwendolyn Gail Graham suffocating (the patient) by pressing a washcloth beneath the chin of Chambers and another washcloth over Chambers' mouth and nose," the warrant said.
  15. Col. John W. Wilson paced, chin on chest, listening to an intelligence report on a Soviet submarine off the California coast.
  16. His were big, monster sideburns, worn as the dictionary defines them: thick hairy whiskers and a mustache, but the chin clean-shaven.
  17. Workers here have taken recession on the chin.
  18. The book is an extended one-woman chin wag about the propriety of deception in reporting.
  19. The Lighthouse, which provides jobs for blind people, is under federal contract to produce military helmet pads and chin straps.
  20. But, while Douglas' boxing victory was not immediately recognized, there is no doubt that spring training _ and the spirit of winter-weary baseball fans _ has taken it on the chin. Eventually, Tyson got up off the floor.
  21. Officer Nicholas Shihadeh, 28, was treated for a wound to the chin and relased, she said.
  22. It was topped off with a black helmet with rows of beads falling below her chin.
  23. The door caught him on his chin, said Sgt. Bill Lunzer of the Roseville Police Department.
  24. A new British 5 banknote portrays Queen Elizabeth II with a double chin, wrinkles and slight bags under her eyes.
  25. The stock market also took it on the chin as the Dow Jones Industrial Average surrendered 51.13 points of Tuesday's 66.47 advance.
  26. On reflection, she added, the worst shock after 20 years of mar- riage was the 'lack of chin'.
  27. The youngest contestant, 7-year-old Daniel Tucker of Star City, said he entered because, "I wanted to get some money and I like eating good tomatoes." He paused at intervals during the contest and used his T-shirt to wipe tomato juice from his chin.
  28. The Thunder's Mark Hahn, a Baltimore tractor-trailer salesman who at game's end had tallied one goal and three stitches on the chin, says: "This could provide a good future for younger players.
  29. Speaking high British, his jaw tightens and his face takes on a distinct reserve; doing a French accent, his chin slackens, his lips purse and he looks a bit jaunty.
  30. Chinese witnesses said the dead included a man machine-gunned from his chin to his stomach.
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