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 chatty ['tʃætɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 饶舌的, 爱讲闲话的

  1. He's a friendly chatty sort of person.
  2. Herein my ID is very chatty, call me Black Dragon.
  3. Getting a chatty volunteer to call him earns you three.

chattier, chattiest
[ adj ]
  1. full of trivial conversation

  2. <adj.all>
    kept from her housework by gabby neighbors
  3. prone to friendly informal communication

  4. <adj.all>

Chatty \Chat"ty\, n. [Tamil sh[=a]ti.]
A porous earthen pot used in India for cooling water, etc.

Chatty \Chat"ty\, a.
Given to light, familiar talk; talkative. --Lady M. W.

  1. At times, Mrs. Gorbachev's chatty style has upstaged that of the cool Mrs. Reagan.
  2. In a chatty call from her 10 Downing St. residence to the BBC's early morning news program, "Today," Mrs. Thatcher said she'd heard the news on the program.
  3. But in the last two months of his life, he became more open and chatty.
  4. The dignity and precision of its writing make this book seem meretricious, and the use of chatty captions for the photographs - 'Douce Francois, who once dressed as a man to get into Rudolf's good books' - is not without significance.
  5. Often, they are followed by a chatty question-and-answer session with the audience.
  6. According to Glassman, the chatty, tabloid-size paper was an eight-page weekly with a circulation of 4,000 when he and a partner bought it four years ago.
  7. A Going Concern catches all the chatty comedy pertinent to men sharing a workroom, and it picks up that brisk comic tone at several points. The family company makes, and repairs, billiard tables.
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