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 charlock ['tʃɑrlək]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 田芥菜

[医] 野芥

    [ noun ]
    weedy Eurasian plant often a pest in grain fields

    Charlock \Char"lock\, n. [AS. cerlic; the latter part perh. fr.
    AS. le['a]c leek. Cf. {Hemlock}.] (Bot.)
    A cruciferous plant ({Brassica sinapistrum}) with yellow
    flowers; wild mustard. It is troublesome in grain fields.
    Called also {chardock}, {chardlock}, {chedlock}, and

    {Jointed charlock}, {White charlock}, a troublesome weed
    ({Raphanus Raphanistrum}) with straw-colored, whitish, or
    purplish flowers, and jointed pods: wild radish.

    Harlock \Har"lock\ (h[aum]r"l[o^]k), n.
    Probably a corruption either of {charlock} or {hardock}.

    Mustard \Mus"tard\, n. [OF. moustarde, F. moutarde, fr. L.
    mustum must, -- mustard was prepared for use by being mixed
    with must. See {Must}, n.]
    1. (Bot.) The name of several cruciferous plants of the genus
    {Brassica} (formerly {Sinapis}), as {white mustard}
    ({Brassica alba}), {black mustard} ({Brassica Nigra}),
    {wild mustard} or {charlock} ({Brassica Sinapistrum}).

    Note: There are also many herbs of the same family which are
    called mustard, and have more or less of the flavor of
    the true mustard; as, bowyer's mustard ({Lepidium
    ruderale}); hedge mustard ({Sisymbrium officinale});
    Mithridate mustard ({Thlaspi arvense}); tower mustard
    ({Arabis perfoliata}); treacle mustard ({Erysimum

    2. A powder or a paste made from the seeds of black or white
    mustard, used as a condiment and a rubefacient. Taken
    internally it is stimulant and diuretic, and in large
    doses is emetic.

    {Mustard oil} (Chem.), a substance obtained from mustard, as
    a transparent, volatile and intensely pungent oil. The
    name is also extended to a number of analogous compounds
    produced either naturally or artificially.

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