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 cesspool ['sɛs`pul]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 污水坑, 化粪池

[医] 污水坑, 粪坑

  1. Finally, he is using the stature of his office to lead a dialogue on cleaning up the cesspool of amateur basketball in America.
  2. BRENT TUFELD: Martin, I think we should have you speak to someone. You're under a hell of a lot of stress. Being locked up in this cesspool really doesn't help.
  3. Every church was a cesspool of corruption, every nunnery the repository for whores of Christ, every orphan skewered on a bayonet( their bodies too small to waste their shot on) a soul saved from heresy.

[ noun ]
a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it

Cesspool \Cess"pool`\ (-p[=oo]l`), n. [See {Sesspol}.]
A cistern in the course, or the termination, of a drain, to
collect sedimentary or superfluous matter; a privy vault; any
receptacle of filth. [Written also {sesspool}.]

  1. In Veronica's Room beneath the gloss of Nixon's America lies the normalcy of Roosevelt's and beneath that a cesspool of incest, murder and guilt.
  2. Unhappily, Mr. Kupfer remembered he was East German, and in images beamed on side walls, he turns Valhalla into New York or some other capitalist cesspool megalopolis.
  3. Where is the evidence of impairment, of domestic or foreign capital avoiding this cesspool of license?
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