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 carton ['kɑ:tən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 硬纸盒, 纸板箱

[化] 卡纸

[医] 卡纸盒, 纸盒

  1. He snipped off the corner of the milk carton.
  2. He give the foreman a carton of cigarette as a sop.
  3. The kid drink up a whole big carton of juice after play in the hot sun.

[ noun ]
  1. the quantity contained in a carton

  2. <noun.quantity>
  3. a box made of cardboard; opens by flaps on top

  4. <noun.artifact>

Carton \Car"ton\ (k[aum]r"t[o^]n), n. [F. See {Cartoon}.]
Pasteboard for paper boxes; also, a pasteboard box.

{Carton pierre}, a species of papier-mach['e], imitating
stone or bronze sculpture. --Knight.

  1. The new Pounds 16m carton factory is a feather in Waddington's cap, but is getting lower prices than expected.
  2. The department said apple stocks were 53 percent greater on May 31 than the average for that date for the previous three years, and prices to growers had fallen by $3 to $4 per carton from what they were a year ago.
  3. Cartons containing the packages carry the production code 0318, and each carton and package bears a USDA inspection seal with "Est.
  4. A syringe was sticking into a 64-ounce carton of Minute Maid orange juice when it was found Tuesday by a clerk at an Alpha Beta supermarket in Woodland Hills, about 25 miles west of downtown, said police Sgt. Fred Tuggey.
  5. A carton of 30 eggs that went for the equivalent of 15 new cordobas last week rose to 50 cordobas at the government booths, and fetched 60 in the black market.
  6. In November and December, lettuce sold for $20 to $25 per carton at California shipping points, compared with $4 to $7 a year earlier.
  7. The equipment includes printing machinery for the folding carton industry, Malachuk said.
  8. Richard Wagener, a county health official, recalls one vendor whose carton of cooked corn was found to have live rats inside.
  9. The "Bag in the Box" package, labeled "100% recyclable," consists of plastic pouches filled with fabric softener or liquid detergent inside a corrugated carton.
  10. FIELD GROUP, the folding carton packaging maker, saw its shares jump to 279p by the close of the first day of dealings, writes Maggie Urry. The shares were priced at 250p in the flotation, which valued the group at Pounds 148.4m.
  11. The carton of mail included checks and cash donated for DeSillers' 7-year-old son, Ronnie, who died April 29 at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh while awaiting his fourth liver transplant.
  12. A preliminary test of the carton found at Vons came back positive for cyanide.
  13. The packaging division makes packaging for the food and dairy industries and produces paperboard carton blanks.
  14. A carton that would sell for $20 if taxed goes for about $14.50.
  15. Sweden's biggest private fortune was built on a better milk carton, according to a new survey of wealth in a country that discourages high incomes.
  16. I mean, when your peers see you like that, in my mind, it could almost destroy a kid's psyche." The boy's hands were tied behind his back, his face was painted blue and a cardboard pig nose made from an egg carton was taped to his head.
  17. Cavaney said laboratory tests of milk carton samples taken from the six mills in early summer showed only the Potlatch plant's board had a dioxin level above the measurable threshold of 2 parts per trillion.
  18. In the past 12 months, three price increases have lifted the wholesale price of a carton of cigarettes almost 16%.
  19. Each carton weighed about 66 pounds.
  20. When visiting Japanese emperor Akihito, please remember not to take him a carton of duty-free cigarettes as a token of your esteem.
  21. Drastic measures were needed, and Mr. Torres and Miss Sokol lifted the carton and tipped it upside down.
  22. Although it isn't recyclable, the small carton cuts packaging waste 75% because of its size, and therefore deserves a stamp of approval, the company believes.
  23. The 1-gallon plastic aquarium, identified as item number 951418 on the carton, sold for $15 at variety stores between July 1988 and February 1989.
  24. They included a $641 tin of Iranian caviar that they said would be tax-free, and a 72 cent carton of milk that would be taxable if purchased at a fast-food restaurant.
  25. But this is ridiculous and from the IRS of all things," Library Director Lisa Jarisch said Wednesday as another carton of tax forms arrived.
  26. Wholesale tobacco companies here and in Louisville, Ky., said their retail clients would be paying an additional 25 cents to 30 cents for a 10-pack carton, with most brands costing retailers about $8 a carton.
  27. Wholesale tobacco companies here and in Louisville, Ky., said their retail clients would be paying an additional 25 cents to 30 cents for a 10-pack carton, with most brands costing retailers about $8 a carton.
  28. The carton's improved, The contents are not.
  29. While the one-dozen carton was identified as the most convenient, producers who offer split packs, a six-egg carton and multiple dozen packs have some advantage.
  30. While the one-dozen carton was identified as the most convenient, producers who offer split packs, a six-egg carton and multiple dozen packs have some advantage.
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