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 captivating ['kæptə`vetɪŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 迷人的, 有魅力的

  1. Possessing the power to charm or allure; captivating.
  2. But if Seven Swords is a captivating movie, it's first a amazing show.
  3. Your captivating personality makes you a shining star in social situations.

[ adj ]
capturing interest as if by a spell
bewitching smileRoosevelt was a captivating speaker
enchanting music
an enthralling book
antique papers of entrancing design
a fascinating woman

Captivating \Cap"ti*va`ting\, a.
Having power to captivate or charm; fascinating; as,
captivating smiles. -- {Cap"ti*va`ting*ly}, adv.

Captivate \Cap"ti*vate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Captivated}; p.
pr. & vb. n. {Captivating}.] [L. captivatus, p. p. of
captivare to capture, fr. captivus captive. See {Captive}.]
1. To take prisoner; to capture; to subdue. [Obs.]

Their woes whom fortune captivates. --Shak.

2. To acquire ascendancy over by reason of some art or
attraction; to fascinate; to charm; as, Cleopatra
captivated Antony; the orator captivated all hearts.

Small landscapes of captivating loveliness. --W.

Syn: To enslave; subdue; overpower; charm; enchant; bewitch;
facinate; capture; lead captive.

  1. He even takes a surprising liking for Mr. Cliburn, and offers captivating glimpses into the weird home the pianist shares with his 90-year-old mother, his many pianos and Christmas trees.
  2. For one thing, a captivating personality.
  3. But when you're old, what difference does it make?" The film is captivating in its simplicity.
  4. This compact disc exhibits the bulk of the latter's chamber works for winds: the big-boned sextet; sometimes similar sounding sonatas for clarinet, flute and oboe; and the captivating trio for oboe, bassoon and piano.
  5. This, and the sense one gains that Martn's melodies, structural elaborations and character developments lack sustained depth for all their captivating charm and telling detail, may be responsible for the opera's relative neglect.
  6. The tale of Wizen River unfolds easily in Annie's discursive voice, captivating as dish from the town gossip over a backyard fence.
  7. Perhaps more than any other cartoon characters of that era, Charlie Brown and his friends mirrored the hopes and fears of postwar America with a gentle, captivating humor.
  8. What with all the captivating copy about Nordstrom awhile back, obviously some hires got a bum deal.
  9. Broadcasters have a healthy appreciation of the role entertainment values play in captivating an audience.
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