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 candlelight ['kændl.`laɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 烛光, 黄昏

  1. The family dined by candlelight.
  2. In the past he had to read by candlelight.
  3. Choose neither a woman nor linen by candlelight.

[ noun ]
the light provided by a burning candle

Candlelight \Can"dle*light`\, n.
The light of a candle.

Never went by candlelight to bed. --Dryden.

  1. In 1969, peace demonstrators staged activities across the country, including a candlelight march around the White House, as part of a moratorium against the Vietnam War.
  2. Reading is by candlelight.
  3. Abortion rights activists held a candlelight vigil late Wednesday outside the Idaho Capitol, promising to continue to fight a bill establishing the most restrictive abortion law in any state.
  4. At 6 a.m., activists will hold a candlelight Mass wearing black shrouds and death masks outside the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant at Oak Ridge, Tenn., west of Knoxville.
  5. Pastor Christian Fuehrer, whose St. Nicholas Church was the birthplace of the "candlelight revolution," is disheartened the rebellion unleased nationalist fervor and a chase for Western riches.
  6. The bishop of Juigalpa, the Rev. Pablo Antonio Vega, led a candlelight protest march of about 250 people through Juigalpa on Tuesday night.
  7. After a candlelight vigil, about 200 protesters broke off from the larger group and marched down Van Ness Avenue to the Mission District, knocking over garbage cans and newspapers stands.
  8. He said he planned to organize a larger, candlelight vigil for Sunday night.
  9. A week-long lineup of 13th anniversary events includes dances and musical shows, a Presley impersonator contest and a candlelight procession past his grave.
  10. About 30 people held a candlelight vigil outside the prison before Bishop's execution.
  11. As the Central Committee met in Sofia on Monday, more than 10,000 people gathered outside party headquarters in a silent candlelight vigil to underline their demands for change.
  12. By candlelight on a velvet cushion carried by a solemn child, it looks mysterious and majestic. I sit at the kitchen table and get to work with the Brasso.
  13. Outside China, people from Mongolia to Paris and Czechoslovakia remembered the anniversary with hunger strikes, marches and candlelight vigils.
  14. Many of the campers enjoyed candlelight dinners inside their motor homes while others gathered around hibachis outside to roast hot dogs and hamburgers by lantern light.
  15. The candles were placed in the windows of the residence overlooking Lafayette Park on Sunday night, as 2,000 people rallied by candlelight at the Lincoln Memorial a mile away to remember victims of AIDS.
  16. In Ohio, about 50 students held a candlelight vigil early today marking the 19th anniversary of the Kent State University shootings.
  17. "If Hurricane Hugo has taught us anything, let it teach us humility, how much we know our need for God," said the Rev. James E. Hampton, whose choir read hymnals by candlelight and sang with a piano because the electric organ was useless.
  18. A candlelight vigil in honor of Pannell the next night turned violent as mobs of angry teen-agers overturned police cars, smashed windows and looted stores.
  19. In 1969, peace demonstrators staged activities across the country, including a candlelight march around the White House, as part of a campaign against the Vietnam War.
  20. A candlelight vigil Wednesday in Teaneck to mark Pannell's death turned violent when scores of black youths overturned police cars, smashed windows and looted businesses.
  21. East Germany's official ADN news agency said the candlelight demonstration was held after Lutheran church services in Dresden late Friday.
  22. Security forces in East Berlin stormed a candlelight march by more than 1,000 people calling for a restructuring of the country's Communist system.
  23. Pro-choice groups plan to hold a candlelight vigil on the Capitol steps today during the debate.
  24. Masked leftist guerrillas broke into candlelight dinners at three stylish Lima restaurants, forced patrons and staff out into the street and then firebombed the establishments, authorities said Friday.
  25. About a dozen death penalty opponents conducted a silent, candlelight vigil.
  26. Elvis Presley fans marking the 12th anniversary of his death filed solemnly past his pool-side grave in a candlelight procession early today.
  27. But she served him fried eggs and English muffins by candlelight whenever he called, and provided a doll and a poodle as models for the prince and the sheep.
  28. About 75 death penalty foes held a candlelight vigil and sang "We Shall Overcome."
  29. Cold forced postponement of a candlelight commemoration at a Civil War battleground in Maryland.
  30. Ali Hussain goes to school by candlelight.
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