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 burst [bә:st]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 破裂, 突发, 爆发

vt. 爆裂, 突发, 充满

vi. 爆裂, 突发, 充满

[计] 二进制位组; 字符组; 脉冲串

  1. The square is bursting with tourists.
  2. I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.
  3. There was a burst of laughter in the next room.

[ noun ]
  1. the act of exploding or bursting

  2. <noun.act>
    the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children
    the burst of an atom bomb creates enormous radiation aloft
  3. rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms

  4. <noun.act>
    our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise
  5. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)

  6. <noun.act>
    a burst of applause
    a fit of housecleaning
  7. a sudden intense happening

  8. <noun.event>
    an outburst of heavy rain
    a burst of lightning
[ verb ]
  1. come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure

  2. <verb.change> break open split
    The bubble burst
  3. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up

  4. <verb.emotion>
    break erupt
    break into tears
    erupt in anger
  5. burst outward, usually with noise

  6. <verb.change>
    The champagne bottle exploded
  7. move suddenly, energetically, or violently

  8. <verb.motion>
    He burst out of the house into the cool night
  9. be in a state of movement or action

  10. <verb.stative>
    abound bristle
    The room abounded with screaming children
    The garden bristled with toddlers
  11. emerge suddenly

  12. <verb.change>
    The sun burst into view
  13. cause to burst

  14. <verb.motion>
    The ice broke the pipe
  15. break open or apart suddenly and forcefully

  16. <verb.change>
    The dam burst

Burst \Burst\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Burst}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Bursting}. The past participle bursten is obsolete.] [OE.
bersten, bresten, AS. berstan (pers. sing. berste, imp. sing.
b[ae]rst, imp. pl. burston, p. p. borsten); akin to D.
bersten, G. bersten, OHG. brestan, OS. brestan, Icel. bresta,
Sw. brista, Dan. briste. Cf. {Brast}, {Break}.]
1. To fly apart or in pieces; of break open; to yield to
force or pressure, especially to a sudden and violent
exertion of force, or to pressure from within; to explode;
as, the boiler had burst; the buds will burst in spring.

From the egg that soon
Bursting with kindly rupture, forth disclosed
Their callow young. --Milton.

Note: Often used figuratively, as of the heart, in reference
to a surcharge of passion, grief, desire, etc.

No, no, my heart will burst, an if I speak:
And I will speak, that so my heart may burst.

2. To exert force or pressure by which something is made
suddenly to give way; to break through obstacles or
limitations; hence, to appear suddenly and unexpectedly or
unaccountably, or to depart in such manner; -- usually
with some qualifying adverb or preposition, as forth, out,
away, into, upon, through, etc.

Tears, such as angels weep, burst forth. --Milton.

And now you burst (ah cruel!) from my arms. --Pope.

A resolved villain
Whose bowels suddenly burst out. --Shak.

We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea. --Coleridge.

To burst upon him like an earthquake. --Goldsmith.

Burst \Burst\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Burst}; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Bursting}. The past participle bursten is obsolete.] [OE.
bersten, bresten, AS. berstan (pers. sing. berste, imp. sing.
b[ae]rst, imp. pl. burston, p. p. borsten); akin to D.
bersten, G. bersten, OHG. brestan, OS. brestan, Icel. bresta,
Sw. brista, Dan. briste. Cf. {Brast}, {Break}.]
1. To fly apart or in pieces; of break open; to yield to
force or pressure, especially to a sudden and violent
exertion of force, or to pressure from within; to explode;
as, the boiler had burst; the buds will burst in spring.

From the egg that soon
Bursting with kindly rupture, forth disclosed
Their callow young. --Milton.

Note: Often used figuratively, as of the heart, in reference
to a surcharge of passion, grief, desire, etc.

No, no, my heart will burst, an if I speak:
And I will speak, that so my heart may burst.

2. To exert force or pressure by which something is made
suddenly to give way; to break through obstacles or
limitations; hence, to appear suddenly and unexpectedly or
unaccountably, or to depart in such manner; -- usually
with some qualifying adverb or preposition, as forth, out,
away, into, upon, through, etc.

Tears, such as angels weep, burst forth. --Milton.

And now you burst (ah cruel!) from my arms. --Pope.

A resolved villain
Whose bowels suddenly burst out. --Shak.

We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea. --Coleridge.

To burst upon him like an earthquake. --Goldsmith.

Burst \Burst\ (b[^u]rst), v. t.
1. To break or rend by violence, as by an overcharge or by
strain or pressure, esp. from within; to force open
suddenly; as, to burst a cannon; to burst a blood vessel;
to burst open the doors.

My breast I'll burst with straining of my courage.

2. To break. [Obs.]

You will not pay for the glasses you have burst?

He burst his lance against the sand below. --Fairfax

3. To produce as an effect of bursting; as, to burst a hole
through the wall.

{Bursting charge}. See under {Charge}.

Burst \Burst\, n.
1. A sudden breaking forth; a violent rending; an explosion;
as, a burst of thunder; a burst of applause; a burst of
passion; a burst of inspiration.

Bursts of fox-hunting melody. --W. Irving.

2. Any brief, violent exertion or effort; a spurt; as, a
burst of speed.

3. A sudden opening, as of landscape; a stretch; an expanse.
[R.] ``A fine burst of country.'' --Jane Austen.

4. A rupture or hernia; a breach.

  1. It is only New York's performance, against a background of slow growth, trade squabbles and start-ling political disillusion, which is now arousing fears of a new bubble, which could burst as it did in 1987.
  2. The soybean market opened with a burst of buying linked partly to new export sales of the commodity and partly to lingering bullishness from the previous session.
  3. In what became a Finnish mini-festival at the Wigmore Hall, both gave recitals there in the last few days. Since Mattila burst onto the international scene a decade ago, her voice has filled out.
  4. Big color prints burst out here, too, on flowered strapless bustier sheaths with puff-sleeved boleros.
  5. California is due for a burst of train routes in any case, thanks to two ballot measures approved in 1990.
  6. Police fired warning shots and burst tear gas canisters in several neighborhoods of the capital to break up crowds, UNI said.
  7. Pieces of the needle-nosed jet burst into flames while the fuselage, in one piece, dropped like a stone in the center of the airfield without injuring any of the thousands of exhibitors, visitors and jouralists on hand for opening day.
  8. The danger is that if too much radioactive steam is released, the reactor cavity -about twice the size of those in the west - could burst. Normally, when pressure valves break, the steam is channelled to a condensation pool.
  9. That performance is convincing many analysts that far from being a bubble about to burst, Japan's stock market _ like its economy _ is a bedrock of stability that's a growing influence on world markets.
  10. All 22 passengers and crew fled the Boeing 727-100 minutes before it burst into flames.
  11. A few years ago there was a concentrated burst of rediscovery by the media of how bad conditions in the public sector had become.
  12. "A car pulled up in Whitehall at the entrance to Downing Street and burst into flames.
  13. But it burst forth at the start of the Palestinian uprising 27 months ago.
  14. Flight 811 was en route from Honolulu to Aukland, New Zealand, when the cargo door burst open.
  15. The burst of light and radiation was located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a galaxy near the Milky Way, and some 160,000 light years away.
  16. The true collectors could not compete but the greedy tumbled in. Then in 1980, inevitably, the bubble burst, and prices fell like a stone.
  17. Three robbers burst into a fast-food restaurant, tied up the manager and attempted to flee with thousands of dollars, but were cut down and killed in a fusillade of police gunfire Monday, authorities said.
  18. A burst of strength last month in large OTC issues suggests that the institutions are back, at least for now.
  19. Suddenly a federal marshal burst in upon the two men, thrusting a subpoena into Mr. Siegel's hand.
  20. Political infighting was muted during the war with Iraq, but burst into the open after the cease-fire.
  21. Mr Peter White, Alliance & Leicester chief executive, said the backlog of housing demand was 'like a dam waiting to burst'.
  22. A hooded gunman burst into a Bible study class at a church Friday night, opening fire and killing two women and wounding a man inside a chapel crowded with adults and children, police said.
  23. In a shabby, ice-cold meeting room behind a village store deep in the farmlands of southern Poland, 150 people burst into patriotic song _ in German.
  24. Volumes were moderately heavy for the day although dealers suggested that a burst of business occured when the market opened and again in the final hour's trading.
  25. Survivors said that after the impact, the front of the bus burst into flames and the fire spread quickly.
  26. We bought just before the bubble burst,' says Mr Molloy.
  27. Grain and soybean futures prices closed moderately higher Wednesday on the Chicago Board of Trade, led by a surge in soybean oil futures sparked by a burst of buying on the cash market.
  28. The British Aerospace Jetstream 31 slammed into a sagebrush field short of the runway and burst into flames, killing two crew members and four passengers.
  29. But a simultaneous burst of new Western investment is considered almost as certain.
  30. Energy futures ended mixed on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Near-term crude oil deliveries finished slightly lower after a burst of buying early in the session that analysts linked to bullish chart signals.
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