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 burning mountain 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Daures("Burning Mountain"), also called the Brandberg Massif, is the highestmountain in Namibia.
  2. "Good heavens! " she exclaimed. "So that is a burning mountain; but is it not very dangerous to the people who live near it?"
  3. And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
    第二位天使吹号,就有彷佛火烧着的大山扔在海中。 海的三分之一变成血。

Volcano \Vol*ca"no\, n.; pl. {Volcanoes}. [It. volcano, vulcano,
fr. L. Vulcanus Vulkan, the god of fire. See {Vulkan}.]
A mountain or hill, usually more or less conical in form,
from which lava, cinders, steam, sulphur gases, and the like,
are ejected; -- often popularly called a {burning mountain}.

Note: Volcanoes include many of the most conspicuous and
lofty mountains of the earth, as Mt. Vesuvius in Italy
(4,000 ft. high), Mt. Loa in Hawaii (14,000 ft.),
Cotopaxi in South America (nearly 20,000 ft.), which
are examples of active volcanoes. The crater of a
volcano is usually a pit-shaped cavity, often of great
size. The summit crater of Mt. Loa has a maximum length
of 13,000 ft., and a depth of nearly 800 feet. Beside
the chief crater, a volcano may have a number of
subordinate craters.

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