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 bulrush ['bʊl`rʌʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 宽叶香蒲, 纸莎草

  1. There will be no work for Egypt Which its head or tail, its palm branch or bulrush, may do.
  2. So the Lord cuts off head and tail from Israel, Both palm branch and bulrush in a single day.
  3. Favor salt, deep weir, broad favor, favor River4 express highways transfixion Huizhou City entire boundary, construction,“ five horizontal stroke three longitudinal” express highways nets acceleration already starting construction form very much littoral

[ noun ]
  1. tall marsh plant with cylindrical seed heads that explode when mature shedding large quantities of down; its long flat leaves are used for making mats and chair seats; of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa

  2. <noun.plant>
  3. tall rush with soft erect or arching stems found in Eurasia, Australia, New Zealand, and common in North America

  4. <noun.plant>

Bulrush \Bul"rush`\ (b[.u]l"r[u^]sh`), n. [OE. bulrysche,
bolroysche; of uncertain origin, perh. fr. bole stem + rush.]
A kind of large rush, growing in wet land or in water.

Note: The name bulrush is applied in England especially to
the cat-tail ({Typha latifolia} and {Typha
angustifolia}) and to the lake club-rush ({Scirpus
lacustris}); in America, to the {Juncus effusus}, and
also to species of {Scirpus} or club-rush.

cattail \cat"tail\, Cat-tail \Cat"-tail\(k[a^]t"t[=a]l), n.
A tall erect rush or flag ({Typha latifolia}) growing widely
in fresh and salt marshes, with long, flat, sword-shaped
leaves, having clusters of small brown flowers in a dense
cylindrical spike at the top of the stem; -- called also
{bulrush} and {reed mace}. The leaves are frequently used for
seating chairs, making mats, etc. See {Catkin}.
[1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

Note: The {lesser cat-tail} is {Typha angustifolia}.

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