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 bullet ['bʊlɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 子弹

[医] 弹, 子弹, 距节(马)

[经] 无偿债基金的债务

  1. He was hurt by a bullet.
  2. A bullet whistled past his head.
  3. The bullet hit him in the chest.

[ noun ]
  1. a projectile that is fired from a gun

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a high-speed passenger train

  4. <noun.artifact>
  5. (baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity

  6. <noun.act>
    he swung late on the fastball
    he showed batters nothing but smoke

Bullet \Bul"let\, n. [F. boulet, dim. of boule ball. See {Bull}
an edict, and cf. {Boulet}.]
1. A small ball.

2. A missile, usually of lead, and round or elongated in
form, to be discharged from a rifle, musket, pistol, or
other small firearm.

3. A cannon ball. [Obs.]

A ship before Greenwich . . . shot off her ordnance,
one piece being charged with a bullet of stone.

4. The fetlock of a horse.

Note: [See Illust. under {Horse}.]

{Bullet tree}. See {Bully tree}.

{Bullet wood}, the wood of the bullet tree.

  1. The plastic bullet has greater range and impact than rubber.
  2. Also Wednesday, an army report concluded that a 15-year-old female Jewish settler whose death in the occupied lands raised a furor was killed by a bullet from a careless Israeli guard, not by stones thrown by Palestinians.
  3. Israel radio said the new bullet was potentially lethal at a range of under 70 yards.
  4. The phrase "one settler, one bullet," refers to killing whites.
  5. Witnesses said Mrs. Rainey drove herself and her wounded sister and niece away from the church after the shooting, and her Ford sedan was riddled with bullet holes.
  6. Describing his findings in May, Cary said the experiment has shown that a bullet wound to the brain stops respiration but, if respiration is supported artificially, the animal will begin breathing again on its own.
  7. In the Chapellin neighborhood of Caracas, an elderly woman died in her apartment from a wild bullet fired during gunbattles between army units and residents of a nearby slum, said eyewitnesses.
  8. The girl, whose identity was withheld, was struck in the chest last Wednesday by a large-caliber bullet that went through an exterior wall and then through her bedroom wall, said Sgt. J.D. Evans of the homicide squad.
  9. One woman was seriously injured by a stray bullet as she stood outside her northest Washington home.
  10. The bullet entered the dog at the rear and traveled to the front of its body, suggesting the animal may have been shot while running away from Sterling.
  11. Palestinians doctors said the bullet was fired at close range.
  12. The bullet penetrated a rear air filter.
  13. People believed he could never be caught by a white man's bullet. "It was surprising that the song turned out very short and was written from the point of view of the officer chasing him.
  14. But while analysts are convinced that Niagara Mohawk is going to bite the bullet on the dividend, they are sharply divided on whether investors should buy or sell the stock.
  15. When she heard the gunfire, she reached for the boy, who was seated in the front of the car, but a bullet shattered the windshield and killed him, Jennings said.
  16. Satwant Singh and Beant Singh were shot by other security guards moments after the assassination, and Beant Singh later died of bullet wounds.
  17. He said he was wounded when he was caught in the crossfire between the killer and the U.S. Postal Service police officer who fired a bullet into his neck.
  18. Late on the night of the shooting, Jay was questioned by investigators for the Burlington County prosecutor's office. He asserted the shooting was accidental, and said he had looked down the gun barrel and hadn't seen the bullet in the cylinder.
  19. A third policeman suffered a bullet wound in the chest and was hospitalized in serious but stable condition after the attack late Friday in the huge township outside Johannesburg, police said.
  20. When I realized what had happened and how close I had come to being seriously hurt I became frightened and cried." The bullet apparently hit her head after ricocheting off the ceiling, with much of its force spent.
  21. "I think there are five real important pieces lying on the ground with bullet holes in them," he said.
  22. The bullet was deflected by a bulletproof vest.
  23. We had to bite the bullet.
  24. In Colorado, a 50-acre brush fire started by an errant bullet at Stone Canyon was contained Monday night as about 50 firefighters battled the blaze.
  25. Atwa Lufti Daromar died of a bullet wound to the head, according to doctors at Ramallah Hospital.
  26. There were bullet holes in the windshield, and the wipers were on.
  27. "In my heart, I think this is the bullet that killed Huey Long," he said.
  28. Another bullet hit his hand.
  29. Further along the road toward Laos, in the town of Mae Charim, a doctor at the hospital there says a number of wounded Lao resistance fighters had come through these past few months, most suffering from bullet wounds.
  30. Police Sgt. Ron Barela was grazed by a bullet when he arrived at the scene, Doran said.
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