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 breathless ['brɛθlɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 喘不过气来的, 屏气的, 气喘吁吁的, 无风的, 死的

  1. I was completely breathless when I got to the top of the mountain.
  2. I met him in a hot and breathless afternoon.
  3. A breathless audience.

[ adj ]
  1. not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty

  2. <adj.all>
    breathless at thought of what I had done
    breathless from running
    followed the match with breathless interest
  3. tending to cause suspension of regular breathing

  4. <adj.all>
    a breathless flight
    breathtaking adventure
  5. appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse

  6. <adj.all>
    an inanimate body
    pulseless and dead

Breathless \Breath"less\ (br[e^]th"l[e^]s), a.
1. Spent with labor or violent action; out of breath.

2. Not breathing; holding the breath, on account of fear,
expectation, or intense interest; attended with a holding
of the breath; as, breathless attention.

But breathless, as we grow when feeling most.

3. Dead; as, a breathless body.

  1. You would arrive in the right breathless state to catch this still breathless classic.
  2. You would arrive in the right breathless state to catch this still breathless classic.
  3. After some struggle (the story speeds ahead in breathless, immigrant-tale fashion), they go to Hollywood by way of the 1915 San Francisco Exposition.
  4. "We have a good team, everybody worked well together," breathless team captain Carolyn Peyser said Wednesday night when the judges announced the winner in the Pennsylvania Farm Show's Sheep to Shawl contest.
  5. Although his mother was shaken and breathless, Dana came off without a scratch.
  6. Mr. Floyd is a gonzo gourmet and, as he rockets around the French landscape, his commentary shoots out in breathless, mile-a-minute snatches.
  7. While canning company officials say special equipment has helped, the odor leaves many breathless.
  8. We want to be made breathless, as we were when we first glimpsed his white tents arrayed on the stage in Cambridge, or when we watched two giant bears doing a pas de deux.
  9. The push to define the EC's goals comes in response to the breathless pace of change in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
  10. The catalog also tries to entice with some breathless text.
  11. I've eaten frequently with Claus von Bulow at that table over there and this one with Mike Millken.' Today he has arrived late and slightly breathless from working on the appeal to reduce Tyson's sentence.
  12. The Ollie North Show was tailor-made for television, and the networks turned it into a sporting event with breathless reports of knockout punches, slam-dunks and home runs.
  13. "He needed a lot of support at that time," she said. "I was there with him." Changing laws and social mores have made it much easier to marry in Britain, and young lovers no longer arrive breathless with angry parents in hot pursuit.
  14. Of course, in the breathless rush, not everything makes sense.
  15. It leaves boaters breathless: a sleek, flared-wing, carbon-fiber hull 90 feet long at the water line and 130 feet stem to stern; a 16-story-high mast; titanium fittings.
  16. "American people do have a breathless naivete in our desire for peace," said Rep. Lynn Martin, R-Ill., a member of the House Armed Services Committee. "That's a nice attitude, but you have to be careful.
  17. If it includes steamed fish, or exotic foods like shark's fin, abalone or birds' nest, prices could leave you breathless.
  18. Miss Fediay's PAC just launched a new project it calls "Americans for Bush," telephoning for pledges and following up with breathless mailgrams.
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