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 bothered ['baðəd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 烦(恼)的,感到讨厌的

  1. She was the only person who replied to the invitation none of the others bothered.
  2. He bothered me with a great many questions.

[ adj ]
caused to show discomposure
refused to be fazed by the objections

Bother \Both"er\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bothered} (?); p. pr. &
vb. n. {Bothering}.] [Cf. Ir. buaidhirt trouble, buaidhrim I
To annoy; to trouble; to worry; to perplex. See {Pother}.

Note: The imperative is sometimes used as an exclamation
mildly imprecatory.

  1. Now, the tank walls are soundproofed and the pumps and filtration system are isolated from the exhibit so that the animals won't be bothered by vibrations.
  2. "They're getting fresh air, and for once, they're getting some peace and quiet," Ms. Ercolano said. "They don't want to be bothered.
  3. Was she bothered at losing the lead role? "Whatever concern I had about that was offset by its success," she answered. "Would I rather be a leading performer in a show that runs five weeks or part of an ensemble that runs for many years.
  4. The man didn't have the experience claimed on his application, but the business owner had "never bothered to check," Mr. Hayes says.
  5. In some polling stations fewer than 40 per cent of those eligible to vote bothered to turn out. A record 18 candidates stood for the presidency, each for the first time with a vice-president on the ballot.
  6. "The Africanized bee simply has a marked defensive instinct that makes it easier to irritate and more aggressive when bothered," Eres said.
  7. When asked whether he feared persecution if the U.S.-led multinational force in Saudi Arabia attacked in an effort to force Iraq out of Kuwait, he said: "We pray there is no war." "The people here do not trust us, but we are not bothered.
  8. Fewer Democrats in the South even bothered to vote this year as well.
  9. As he sees it: "She is holding the infant Jesus in her arms to the left side." Police Chief Bill Mintline said residents aren't bothered by the fuss.
  10. "It's been something that has bothered a lot of people, but they don't have the sense they can do something about it," said Alan J. Schlesinger.
  11. "I suppose I was a good `story,' but it bothered me to get all that attention after other people, especially Bonnie, performed so much better than I did," he said.
  12. "People in Massachusetts," he observed, "just don't think of themselves as part of the drive to Dixie." In American Samoa, where 300 Democrats were eligible to take part in the caucuses, only 36 bothered to do so.
  13. Then no one really bothered with costs as it was always assumed that the state would provide extra funds if necessary. Now, for the first time, the Deutsches has taken the step of taking a production off for financial reasons.
  14. It seems that no-one in Asturias ever bothered to call the bank to check the credentials of a mystery middle-man who conducted negotiations and who has now disappeared. The Asturian Socialists are not saying whether they paid the man any commissions.
  15. But 48.3 percent said they felt indifferent or no pride when hearing the anthem, and 5.2 percent said hearing it bothered them, the institute reported.
  16. Some people are bothered by ants and other bugs on camping excursions, but 9-year-old Lenata Bristow was unconcerned by the insectlike things she saw.
  17. But many hotels with video checkout haven't bothered to set up a separate line for guests using this service to pick up their bills.
  18. Most consumers haven't been very bothered by the rates they are charged.
  19. "He had been sick all last week," Clein said. "He had an ulcer and I guess he was bothered by it.
  20. Said Robert Kanters, a Pittsburgh-based analyst who follows Koppers for Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc.: "Shearson's role is something that has bothered me since the start.
  21. Some business people say you are less likely to be bothered by customs if you go to Venezuela on a tourist rather than a business visa, for example.
  22. Though the monster of inflation seems to have been tamed, nobody bothered to tell the nation's top periodicals, whose cover prices continue to soar.
  23. He said he's bothered by sports announcers introducing a player on the field who has just returned from his third round of treatment for drug abuse.
  24. "Thirty-two is a better number for that." And while the executive believes that competition is the thing, and that despite dilution fans won't be overly bothered by the 1993 additions, baseball has work to do if it wants to continue to grow and prosper.
  25. "No one seems to be bothered by them," he says.
  26. But Ms. Goldstein said she doubted James' would be bothered by criticism from Pendleton, whose own civil rights record she termed a "joke." "I would say it's an endorsement for what the mayor's doing in this city," Ms. Goldstein said.
  27. It has also chosen not to be bothered by the 14 per cent rate of unemployment. As expected, the efforts of Miss Suchocka to change the European Community policy towards Poland have produced nothing.
  28. He declined to specify which speeches bothered him.
  29. The reunion organizer, Taren Sapienza, said some survivors weren't bothered by Wednesday's earthquakes.
  30. Michael Kinsley writes in the New Republic that if incumbents always win, it's because voters can't be bothered.
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