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 bootleg ['bu:tleg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 私卖(酒)

vi. 私卖(酒)

  1. Where did you get that rare Beatles bootleg?
  2. He wanted to run bootleg whisky to the border, and get into the big time.
  3. Some students were arrested for selling bootleg recordings on the Internet.

bootlegged, bootlegging
[ noun ]
  1. whiskey illegally distilled from a corn mash

  2. <noun.food>
  3. the part of a boot above the instep

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ verb ]
  1. sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol

  2. <verb.possession>
    They were bootlegging whiskey
  3. produce or distribute illegally

  4. <verb.creation>
    bootleg tapes of the diva's singing
[ adj ]
  1. distributed or sold illicitly

  2. <adj.all>
    the black economy pays no taxes

bootleg \bootleg\ adj.
distributed or sold illicitly; especially, imported

Syn: black-market, contraband, smuggled.
[WordNet 1.5]

bootleg \bootleg\ v.
1. to sell illicit products such as drugs or alcohol.

Syn: smuggle.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. to produce alcohol illegally.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. The films may have been shown years ago, but only in bootleg versions, the Burbank, Calif., company said.
  2. And he also encourages subordinates to do what President Reagan's subordinates at the National Security Council apparently did: keep information away from "upstairs" and bootleg their own policies.
  3. This mobster is not a killer, but a song-and-dance man, and he'd rather star in his own nightclub act than take over the city's bootleg operations. He eventually succeeds, but his climb to show biz success seems predictable from the start.
  4. On Sunday, it was reported that a local party leader in Guizhou was sentenced to death for selling bootleg liquor.
  5. Not only did the jury's award strike a blow against those who sold the "bootleg gasoline," as the company put it, but the punitive damages were $4 million more than Getty had sought.
  6. Aubrey Palmer, a San Franciscan suffering AIDS and its characteristic pneumonia, says he mixes his morning orange juice with a bootleg version of the drug AL-721, which is derived from egg yolks.
  7. Japanese songs remain banned here, but bootleg music videos of Japanese teen stars are showing up in chic Seoul bars.
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