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 bolter ['boltɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 退出党派的人, 脱缰的马, 筛面粉的机器

[机] 筛

    Bolter \Bolt"er\, n.
    One who bolts; esp.:
    (a) A horse which starts suddenly aside.
    (b) A man who breaks away from his party.

    Bolter \Bolt"er\, n.
    1. One who sifts flour or meal.

    2. An instrument or machine for separating bran from flour,
    or the coarser part of meal from the finer; a sieve.

    Bolter \Bolt"er\, n.
    A kind of fishing line. See {Boulter}.

    1. A white mark with a large B in it means a "bolter," missing all four wires and having to try again.
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