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 bodily ['bɑdɪlɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 身体的

ad. 亲自

  1. He picked the child up bodily and carried it to bed.
  2. He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts.
  3. The heart performs a vital bodily function.

[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to or belonging to the body

  2. <adj.pert>
    a bodily organ
    bodily functions
[ adv ]
  1. in bodily form

  2. <adv.all>
    he was translated bodily to heaven
[ adj ]
  1. affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit

  2. <adj.all>
    bodily needs
    a corporal defect
    corporeal suffering
    a somatic symptom or somatic illness
  3. having or relating to a physical material body

  4. <adj.all>
    bodily existence

Bodily \Bod"i*ly\, a.
1. Having a body or material form; physical; corporeal;
consisting of matter.

You are a mere spirit, and have no knowledge of the
bodily part of us. --Tatler.

2. Of or pertaining to the body, in distinction from the
mind. ``Bodily defects.'' --L'Estrange.

3. Real; actual; put in execution. [Obs.]

Be brought to bodily act. --Shak.

{Bodily fear}, apprehension of physical injury.

Syn: See {Corporal}.

Bodily \Bod"i*ly\, adv.
1. Corporeally; in bodily form; united with a body or matter;
in the body.

For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead
bodily. --Col. ii. 9

2. In respect to, or so as to affect, the entire body or
mass; entirely; all at once; completely; as, to carry away
bodily. ``Leapt bodily below.'' --Lowell.

  1. Mr. Moore's suit, dismissed by a lower court in 1986, claimed that Dr. Golde and the medical center had misappropriated his "unique" bodily material and put it to profitable commercial use without his knowledge or consent.
  2. "As mine workers, they face many dangers, whether the hazards inherent in coal mining, the hardship caused by coal company economics or the threats of bodily harm at the hands of gun thugs," UMW President Richard Trumka said.
  3. It is listed as Salvia sclarea Turkestanica, but county ladies used to know it as Hothousemaids, because of the bodily smell from its leaves.
  4. Today's office workers are subject to bodily restraint, social isolation and mental monotony for eight hours daily, says Mr. Edelson.
  5. Two deputies picked her up from a lawn chair this morning and moved her bodily from her campsite to a sidewalk across the street. She offered no resistance and did not appear to say anything as she was being moved.
  6. At that point, three policemen grabbed Packwood by his ankles and both arms and carried him bodily into the Senate chamber, feet first.
  7. The trial focused on the degree of pain caused by the paddling. Under the law, a teacher or parent can be convicted of assaulting a child if extreme pain, mental distress or bodily injury was inflicted.
  8. Eight former associates of Mrs. Mandela, including her driver and other bodyguards, are scheduled to face trial beginning next week on charges of abduction and assault with intent to do serious bodily harm in connection with the same case.
  9. AIDS is carried in blood and other bodily fluids.
  10. In December, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case back to Ms. Kovachevich, saying the child must be placed in a regular classroom unless evidence proves Eliana posed a significant risk to other children through bodily secretions.
  11. The justices, without comment, let stand Kansas laws that permit use of deadly force even by people not threatened with death or great bodily harm.
  12. "Before you shoot somebody, you or whoever you are defending has to be in imminent danger of death or bodily injury," Moss said. "The rule of law must prevail." But he said he understood the community's growing frustration with juvenile crime.
  13. Fibreboard Corp. said it reached an agreement in principle with one of its primary insurance carriers, Continental Casualty Co., on terms under which Continental Casualty will make payments to cover Fibreboard's asbestos bodily injury claims.
  14. They feared she might transmit to others the acquired immune deficiency syndrome virus through bodily fluids.
  15. The AIDS virus is passed during sex or through bodily fluids, but tuberculosis is transmitted through the air when infected people cough or sneeze.
  16. "As mine workers, they face many dangers, whether the hazards inherent in coal mining, the hardship caused by coal company economics or the threats of bodily harm at the hands of gun thugs," said UMW President Richard Trumka.
  17. The bill would: _ Ban abortions after the 24th week of pregnancy except to save the mother's life and in cases where "substantial and irreversible impairment of major bodily function" was threatened.
  18. The defendant pleaded guilty last spring to assault causing bodily harm and got a 10-year sentence, Blythe said.
  19. Since by now essentially everyone is aware of the problem, it would not be difficult to get a meaningful estimate, in a survey or a referendum, of public attitudes toward prolonged support of bodily life in clear cases of irreversible loss of mental life.
  20. The virus destroys the body's immune system and is carried in blood and other bodily fluids.
  21. Court officials say she faces four charges of kidnapping and four of assault with intent to commit grievous bodily harm.
  22. "We're very disturbed," said Joel Maliniak, a spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. "These bullets are designed to cause as much bodily harm as possible.
  23. Well, what we've learned in the course of human history is that dictators may coerce and tyrants may control, but the people who obey them do so only because there are threatened with bodily harm to themselves or their families if they do not.
  24. Hamadi also was convicted of hostage-taking and three counts of causing grievous bodily harm in the beatings of Stethem and two other American passengers, Clinton Suggs and Kurt Carlson of Rockford, Ill. Suggs is a native of Elkhart, Ind.
  25. Proposition 101, a measure sponsored by a Democratic assemblyman and an independent insurance company to cut the bodily injury portion of auto insurance rates, was defeated in a landslide with 13 percent yes votes to 87 percent no votes.
  26. Murdering brides and stealing their bodily fluids to rejuvenate your aging, cranky wife is a disgusting job.
  27. Superior Court Judge David Yaffe in Los Angeles issued an injunction against intimidating workers with "fear of bodily harm or death." Greyhound alleged that strikers had blocked or damaged buses and harassed replacement workers.
  28. He is charged with threatening to take the life of or to inflict bodily harm upon the vice president, and sending a threatening letter through the mail.
  29. Jiwan said "disbelief in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the claim that it was only a spiritual experience of resurrection in the minds of the disciples raises the question of the authority of the Bible.
  30. Humm said the comment about bodily fluids implied that because he was a gay person he also had AIDS, and that his fluids were to be feared.
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