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 blind-sided 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "We just don't want to get blind-sided," said Chairman Henry Gonzalez (D., Texas).
    2. A top research official at another drug maker says his company avoids being blind-sided by "constantly asking the FDA people if the studies we're doing are enough or correctly designed.
    3. In the past year, some other Wall Street firms have been blind-sided by trading losses of $50 million or more.
    4. "There's no reason for investors to feel blind-sided by this." Because the company is smaller and less diversified than its competitors, SciMed shares react with more volatility to the patent-related issues.
    5. A victim of its own insularity and arrogance, Sears was blind-sided by changing consumer habits, rising interest rates and a slew of lawsuits.
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