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 bismuth ocher 添加此单词到默认生词本

    Bismuth \Bis"muth\, n. [Ger. bismuth, wismuth: cf. F. bismuth.]
    One of the elements; a metal of a reddish white color,
    crystallizing in rhombohedrons. It is somewhat harder than
    lead, and rather brittle; masses show broad cleavage surfaces
    when broken across. It melts at 507[deg] Fahr., being easily
    fused in the flame of a candle. It is found in a native
    state, and as a constituent of some minerals. Specific
    gravity 9.8. Atomic weight 207.5. Symbol Bi.

    Note: Chemically, bismuth (with arsenic and antimony is
    intermediate between the metals and nonmetals; it is
    used in thermo-electric piles, and as an alloy with
    lead and tin in the fusible alloy or metal. Bismuth is
    the most diamagnetic substance known.

    {Bismuth glance}, bismuth sulphide; bismuthinite.

    {Bismuth ocher}, a native bismuth oxide; bismite.

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