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 biretta [bə'rɛtə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 法冠(天主教神职人员用)

    [ noun ]
    a stiff cap with ridges across the crown; worn by Roman Catholic clergy

    Biretta \Bi*ret"ta\, n.
    Same as {Berretta}.

    Berretta \Ber*ret"ta\, n. [It., fr. LL. birrettum, berretum, a
    cap, dim. of L. birrus, birrum, a cloak to keep off rain, cf.
    Gr. ? tawny, red: cf. Sp. birreta, Pg. barrete, and E.
    A square cap worn by ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic
    Church. A cardinal's berretta is scarlet; that worn by other
    clerics is black, except that a bishop's is lined with green.
    [Also spelt {beretta}, {biretta}, etc.]

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