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 bikini [bi'ki:ni]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大爆炸, 比基尼泳装

  1. The sexy starlet is a real eye-popper in her black bikini.
  2. All they done is they are in bikini to show the beauty of their body from different angles.
  3. If you want to be in the groove this summer, you'll need a bikini.

[ noun ]
  1. an atoll in the Marshall Islands; formerly used by the United States as a site for testing nuclear weapons

  2. <noun.location>
  3. a woman's very brief bathing suit

  4. <noun.artifact>

  1. She says "dweeby types" often "snog right up" to her when she's wearing her "floss," or thong-backed bikini.
  2. He adds that he turned down an "awful lot of money" to emcee a bikini contest on the same night as the Miss America pageant.
  3. The goddess in Peter Sellars' production of "Tannhauser," which premiered Monday evening at the Lyric Opera of Chicago, lives in a sleazy Las Vegas motel and is attended by nymphs wearing only their bikini tops for the first 90 seconds of Act 1.
  4. In the meantime, Western women occasionally doff bikini tops around the swimming pool and on the beach.
  5. Next time, she plans to buy herself a polka-dot bikini.
  6. If a book says you can apply yoga to the stock market or lose enough weight eating zucchini to get into a bikini, it's not going to hurt anyone."
  7. "Webster's Word Histories," touted as a companion for "armchair etymologists," is a departure from the dictionary publisher's generally sedate product, filled with lively prose and complete with an eyecatching "bikini" entry on the jacket.
  8. On the track, 30 nubile women in bikini tops and short shorts twirl purple-and-yellow banners as if they were no heavier than dime-store pinwheels.
  9. If the breast is small so much the better, one can wear a smaller bikini top.
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