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 bends [bɛnd添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 减压病(尤指减压痛,即因空气栓塞所致的四肢关节、肌肉和腹腔的剧痛)

  1. The road straightens (out) after a series of bends.
  2. The road bends to the right after a few yards.
  3. The road bends sharply here.

[ noun ]
pain resulting from rapid change in pressure

  1. It might be possible, he said, to use gravitational lenses _ areas in space in which gravity bends light in the same way that a magnifying glass does _ to see small, faint stars in the dark halo, if they exist.
  2. The bends were very sharp, but the Toyota took them like a seasoned skier tackling a mogul run.
  3. John Naparalla of Neshkoro said it was so dry that the creek was squeaking as it rounded the bends and the spawning carp got sunburned.
  4. He bends the rule somewhat on recording days.
  5. The river bends at this point, and the jungle yields briefly to the pressures of 20th century agriculture.
  6. They are played by the talented actors Ed Harris and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, who look glassy-eyed, as though they are suffering from the bends.
  7. Just why it bends this way is not clear.
  8. On their patched and wavy tarmac and acute bends, the Xantia rode serenely. Best of all was the 16-valve model.
  9. He thinks the arcs may be caused by a gravitational effect that bends light as does an optical lens.
  10. Mr Bottcher bends over backwards to deny any hint of xenophobia in his campaign. 'I was born in 1948, and no one can accuse me of being a Nazi or a neo-Nazi,' he says.
  11. Officials appealed to workers to end a walkout that has shut or crippled factories in a disputed southern region, but many pledged to stay home until the government bends to their demands, reports said today.
  12. For centuries, the twisting Mississippi has straightened and shortened itself by carving "cutoffs" that eliminate bends.
  13. The distinguished visiting professor with the patch over his right eye tugs at a tweed sleeve and bends an ear to his chiming wristwatch.
  14. On the shuttle, to avoid getting the "bends," astronauts must either pre-breathe 100% oxygen for 3 1/2 hours before going outside, or lower the pressure of the shuttle for several hours and then breathe oxygen for 40 minutes.
  15. Bashdar Majid bends down and rubs a hand along the wall of the cell in which he spent three dreadful months, feeling for the spot where he scratched his name.
  16. Kaw Moo Ra, situated along a curve of the Moei River, can be attacked from Burma only with artillery or by a frontal assault on a well-defended 250-yard strip of land between the two bends in the river.
  17. Even more than Horovitz and Stern, he makes it look easy as he bends his guitar to strike out cries of human anguish and pleasure.
  18. In the first duet, Victoria Finlayson lifts one leg and bends as far to her side and back as she can while Robert Swinston, at a distance from her, moves in unrelated patterns.
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