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 bee [bi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 蜜蜂, 聚会

  1. He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods.
  2. That bee gave me a nasty sting.
  3. Bee and wasp both sting, but they have other similarity, too.

[ noun ]
  1. any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species

  2. <noun.animal>
  3. a social gathering to carry out some communal task or to hold competitions

  4. <noun.group>

Bee \Bee\,
p. p. of {Be}; -- used for been. [Obs.] --Spenser.

Bee \Bee\ (b[=e]), n. [AS. be['o]; akin to D. bij and bije,
Icel. b[=y], Sw. & Dan. bi, OHG. pini, G. biene, and perh.
Ir. beach, Lith. bitis, Skr. bha. [root]97.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) An insect of the order {Hymenoptera}, and
family {Apid[ae]} (the honeybees), or family
{Andrenid[ae]} (the solitary bees.) See {Honeybee}.

Note: There are many genera and species. The common honeybee
({Apis mellifica}) lives in swarms, each of which has
its own queen, its males or drones, and its very
numerous workers, which are barren females. Besides the
{Apis mellifica} there are other species and varieties
of honeybees, as the {Apis ligustica} of Spain and
Italy; the {Apis Indica} of India; the {Apis fasciata}
of Egypt. The {bumblebee} is a species of {Bombus}. The
tropical honeybees belong mostly to {Melipoma} and

2. A neighborly gathering of people who engage in united
labor for the benefit of an individual or family; as, a
quilting bee; a husking bee; a raising bee. [U. S.]

The cellar . . . was dug by a bee in a single day.
--S. G.

3. pl. [Prob. fr. AS. be['a]h ring, fr. b?gan to bend. See
1st {Bow}.] (Naut.) Pieces of hard wood bolted to the
sides of the bowsprit, to reeve the fore-topmast stays
through; -- called also {bee blocks}.

{Bee beetle} (Zo["o]l.), a beetle ({Trichodes apiarius})
parasitic in beehives.

{Bee bird} (Zo["o]l.), a bird that eats the honeybee, as the
European flycatcher, and the American kingbird.

{Bee flower} (Bot.), an orchidaceous plant of the genus
{Ophrys} ({Ophrys apifera}), whose flowers have some
resemblance to bees, flies, and other insects.

{Bee fly} (Zo["o]l.), a two winged fly of the family
{Bombyliid[ae]}. Some species, in the larval state, are
parasitic upon bees.

{Bee garden}, a garden or inclosure to set beehives in; an
apiary. --Mortimer.

{Bee glue}, a soft, unctuous matter, with which bees cement
the combs to the hives, and close up the cells; -- called
also {propolis}.

{Bee hawk} (Zo["o]l.), the honey buzzard.

{Bee killer} (Zo["o]l.), a large two-winged fly of the family
{Asilid[ae]} (esp. {Trupanea apivora}) which feeds upon
the honeybee. See {Robber fly}.

{Bee louse} (Zo["o]l.), a minute, wingless, dipterous insect
({Braula c[ae]ca}) parasitic on hive bees.

{Bee martin} (Zo["o]l.), the kingbird ({Tyrannus
Carolinensis}) which occasionally feeds on bees.

{Bee moth} (Zo["o]l.), a moth ({Galleria cereana}) whose
larv[ae] feed on honeycomb, occasioning great damage in

{Bee wolf} (Zo["o]l.), the larva of the bee beetle. See
Illust. of {Bee beetle}.

{To have a bee in the head} or {To have a bee in the bonnet}.
(a) To be choleric. [Obs.]
(b) To be restless or uneasy. --B. Jonson.
(c) To be full of fancies; to be a little crazy. ``She's
whiles crack-brained, and has a bee in her head.''
--Sir W. Scott.

  1. The bees started breeding with local bees of European origin, creating the Africanized, or "killer" bee.
  2. Under the plan, a "regulated zone" 100 miles deep will be established across the 125-mile-wide isthmus in which bee experts hope to overwhelm the Africanized insects with the genes of the tamer European honeybees.
  3. Payne said the bee, which has been named the Southeastern blueberry bee, is larger than a honey bee but smaller than a bumble bee.
  4. Payne said the bee, which has been named the Southeastern blueberry bee, is larger than a honey bee but smaller than a bumble bee.
  5. Payne said the bee, which has been named the Southeastern blueberry bee, is larger than a honey bee but smaller than a bumble bee.
  6. Payne said the bee, which has been named the Southeastern blueberry bee, is larger than a honey bee but smaller than a bumble bee.
  7. His book describes bee anatomy, behavior and social organization.
  8. "It's supposedly the thing the queen bee eats that makes her grow and gives her special strength," says Mr. Robles.
  9. "The Spinning Bee," a toy top made by Artsana of America, contains a small toy bee with four rubber feet that could cause small children to choke, the CPSC said.
  10. Alley allows that the transmitter, at about 65 milligrams, is still 15 milligrams too heavy for a bee to carry, and work on a computerized tracking system hasn't even begun.
  11. "The Africanized bee simply has a marked defensive instinct that makes it easier to irritate and more aggressive when bothered," Eres said.
  12. The mite feeds on the body fluid of bees and pupae, eventually causing high bee mortality and weakening of colonies.
  13. Several other beekeepers have reported heavy losses to Blane White, state bee inspector.
  14. Putting bees in a confined area "is like putting a paper bag over a claustrophobic" person, says Murray Reid, a New Zealand government bee inspector.
  15. They are taking samples of all managed and wild bee colonies in the area.
  16. Then, the bee swallows the cooled nectar.
  17. They're more defensive and not as productive." The difference between the European honeybee, a companion of humans for the last 8,000 years, and the Africanized honeybee is like the difference between a domestic and a wild bee.
  18. The Arthur Daley character employed in the Leeds' commercials has, it seems, been stung by National & Provincial's bee.
  19. Genes play a major role in whether a honey bee serves its hive as a groomer, guard or even an undertaker, two studies suggest.
  20. Ryan was stung by a bee as they ran through the cornfield from the plane.
  21. But, she says, "when I go into an African yard, I wear two bee suits over blue jeans and a long-sleeved shirt, a pair of gloves and a veil."
  22. Of his 14 apiaries, one is critical to Brother Adam's success as a bee breeder.
  23. Then they looked for relationships between a bee's subfamily, and therefore its genetic inheritance, and its job in the hive.
  24. He's bright as a bee.
  25. "There is no sweet without fire and no honey without the sting of the bee," said Col. Suliman Mohamed Suliman, a member of the 15-man ruling military council.
  26. In his eighth-grade parochial school, Mr. Williams was the only black; yet he won the math prize, the spelling bee, and was the best athlete too.
  27. To find out where the Africanized bees are congregating as they move in, the bee specialists will monitor the entire bee population across the isthmus.
  28. To find out where the Africanized bees are congregating as they move in, the bee specialists will monitor the entire bee population across the isthmus.
  29. They are the Great Lakes' version of the leaf-eating gypsy moth caterpillar or the Africanized "killer" bee.
  30. A microphone amplifies the buzz as the bee beats its wings while a sensitive tone-decoder microchip measures the sound's frequency.
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