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 baldaquin ['bældəkɪn添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 华盖, 龛室

    Baldachin \Bal"da*chin\, n. [LL. baldachinus, baldechinus, a
    canopy of rich silk carried over the host; fr. Bagdad, It.
    Baldacco, a city in Turkish Asia from whence these rich silks
    came: cf. It. baldacchino. Cf. {Baudekin}.]
    1. A rich brocade; baudekin. [Obs.]

    2. (Arch.) A structure in form of a canopy, sometimes
    supported by columns, and sometimes suspended from the
    roof or projecting from the wall; generally placed over an
    altar; as, the baldachin in St. Peter's.

    3. A portable canopy borne over shrines, etc., in procession.
    [Written also {baldachino}, {baldaquin},

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