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 bagpipe ['bæg`paɪp]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 风笛

  1. This is a kind of Scottish bagpipe.
  2. The bagpipe is a sweet musical instrument.
  3. The flexible air-filled chamber of a bagpipe, an accordion, or a similar wind instrument.

[ noun ]
a tubular wind instrument; the player blows air into a bag and squeezes it out through the drone

Bagpipe \Bag"pipe\, n.
A musical wind instrument, now used chiefly in the Highlands
of Scotland.

Note: It consists of a leather bag, which receives the air by
a tube that is stopped by a valve; and three sounding
pipes, into which the air is pressed by the performer.
Two of these pipes produce fixed tones, namely, the
bass, or key tone, and its fifth, and form together
what is called the drone; the third, or chanter, gives
the melody.

Bagpipe \Bag"pipe\, v. t.
To make to look like a bagpipe.

{To bagpipe the mizzen} (Naut.), to lay it aback by bringing
the sheet to the mizzen rigging. --Totten.

  1. Saxophonist Stan Getz, pianist Herbie Hancock, an 8-year-old vocalist and a man billed as the world's first bagpipe jazz artist are among the players at this year's North Sea Jazz Festival.
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