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 aviary ['evɪ`ɛrɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 大型鸟舍, 鸟类饲养场

    [ noun ]
    a building where birds are kept

    Aviary \A"vi*a*ry\, n.; pl. {Aviaries}. [L. aviarium, fr.
    aviarius pertaining to birds, fr. avis bird, akin to Gr, ?,
    Skr. vi.]
    A house, inclosure, large cage, or other place, for keeping
    birds confined; a bird house.

    Lincolnshire may be termed the aviary of England.

    1. Mr. Lewis filed suit, insisting Maxine suffered frostbite because Sea World didn't heat the aviary soon enough.
    2. The exhibit includes an adjacent aviary, featuring birds from the same areas of West Africa inhabited by the gorillas.
    3. The orangutan made its way atop an aviary as visitors who had entered the zoo since the 9 a.m. opening were cleared from the area.
    4. I found myself hissing 'Enough, enough' as I tried to flail my way out of that insane aviary.' From this horror Keenan is rescued by the sudden arrival of his companion of the following years, John McCarthy.
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