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 attractive [ə'træktɪv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 吸引人的, 有魅力的

[法] 有吸引力的, 有迷惑力的

  1. The photo made him quite attractive.
  2. Pleasing and wholesome in appearance; attractive.
  3. She is pretty rather than attractive.

[ adj ]
  1. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm

  2. <adj.all>
    a remarkably attractive young man
    an attractive personality
    attractive clothes
    a book with attractive illustrations
  3. having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull

  4. <adj.all>
    an attractive force
  5. having power to arouse interest

  6. <adj.all>
    an attractive opportunity
    the job is attractive because of the pay

Attractive \At*tract"ive\, a. [Cf. F. attractif.]
1. Having the power or quality of attracting or drawing; as,
the attractive force of bodies. --Sir I. Newton.

2. Attracting or drawing by moral influence or pleasurable
emotion; alluring; inviting; pleasing. ``Attractive
graces.'' --Milton. ``Attractive eyes.'' --Thackeray.

Flowers of a livid yellow, or fleshy color, are most
attractive to flies. --Lubbock.
-- {At*tract"ive*ly}, adv. --
{At*tract"ive*ness}, n.

Attractive \At*tract"ive\, n.
That which attracts or draws; an attraction; an allurement.

Speaks nothing but attractives and invitation. --South.

  1. Its lower fares are attractive to illegal aliens.
  2. A spokesman said the company didn't have any specific plans for the proceeds at present but decided to issue the shares because low German interest rates make the transaction attractive.
  3. Mr Francois Leclercq, CTL managing director, said Germany might be added but it was proving difficult to obtain attractive rates for German destinations. Journey times should be about half those by road and much less than the time taken by rail and ferry.
  4. Union officials at those plants took the news in stride. An official of the United Auto Workers in Dubuque said workers expect the company to make an attractive early retirement offer.
  5. The weak dollar makes Steuben's cheeses, called Castleborg and Saint Rochelle, more attractive when displayed next to the European or Scandanavian cheeses.
  6. In addition, to make acceptance of the exit bonds more attractive, Brazil plans to propose that these bonds should offer a competitive yield, would rank as senior Brazilian debt and could be used to make debt-equity swaps, the official said.
  7. "The heavy oil is less and less attractive in today's green-type environment, but if they give us the linkage of exploring lighter crude areas, it will change the picture considerably," says an official of one oil company holding talks with PDVSA.
  8. Is the stock's rally for real? Yesterday, longtime bears at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette changed their one-year-old "unattractive" rating on the stock to "moderately attractive."
  9. According to market sources, yesterday's big block took some unhappy institutional investors out of the stock, cleared out the underwriters' leftovers and put the shares in the hands of investors who saw them as an attractive value at 14 1/2.
  10. Lower interest rates, like Japan's, tend to make a nation's currency less attractive to investors.
  11. For one thing, it's hard for them to make a more attractive offer than the U.S.'s, that if Mr. Noriega left now, he could return after Panama's elections in May 1989.
  12. This is a very attractive combination." Under terms of the agreement, which is subject to approval of French authorities, Bristol-Myers will acquire a 33.56% stake of UPSA and name three directors on a seven-member board.
  13. The company's most attractive assets include the Princess hotels in Mexico, Bermuda and the Bahamas, which analysts say could be especially lucrative as hotel prices surge.
  14. And for some young people on low salaries, contracting out is also much less attractive. The difficulty is that there are wide differences of view over when it it is worthwhile to opt back into SERPS.
  15. "The spread against the U.S. remains attractive, and there's nothing in the near future to change that," he said.
  16. "The dollar has become less attractive because of growing pessimism over the U.S. economic performance," said a Mitsubishi Bank dealer, speaking on condition of anonymity.
  17. But he and others noted that the pound has been attractive only for the high U.K. interest rates that the government has used against inflation. Overall, the country is besieged by high inflation and unemployment and by low productivity, he said.
  18. "The hardest costumes in `Grand Hotel' were the secretaries'," he says. "Historically, those uniforms were not very attractive, and I wanted the girls to look terrific and be very individual.
  19. The sales are widely thought to be part of Beatrice's long-range plan to make itself attractive for a public offering.
  20. Rocard, a Socialist, will be trying to run a government dominated by his party yet develop policies attractive to centrists, whose support his administration needs.
  21. Medicaid has been a particularly attractive vehicle for federal policy makers in an era of deficits and spending restraints because for every dollar in added Medicaid benefits, states pick up 45 cents on average.
  22. As U.S. interest rates fall, the dollar becomes a less attractive investment.
  23. This is a very attractive list of alternatives. 'The charges are minimal (dealing charges of up to 0.25 per cent) so this plan is very cost-effective.
  24. Two stock classes are common in many companies, but they are particularly attractive to media concerns eager to preserve editorial independence and strengthen control by company founders or their descendants.
  25. Yet the experience with First Option confirms that they become a great deal less stable if the government is offering an attractive alternative.
  26. By attaching the popular tax repeal measures to the debt-ceiling bill, Republicans would take away from the Democrats the most attractive features of a separate tax and entitlement bill now being negotiated between the House and the Senate.
  27. Only their names were attractive.
  28. A rate decline in Europe would make yields in the U.S. credit markets more attractive to foreign investors.
  29. The Alexander & Baldwin spokesman said the transaction was an attractive investment opportunity for the company in terms of retiring its stock.
  30. 'Is increasing congestion, and ultimately gridlock, a more attractive option?' he asked. Road pricing would speed up journey times, improve bus services and cut transport costs, he said.
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