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 attentively [ә'tentivli添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 注意地, 留心地

  1. The clerks are at work attentively.
  2. She had her audience listening attentively.
  3. He listens more attentively in class than the other student.

[ adv ]
with attention; in an attentive manner
he listened attentively

Attentive \At*ten"tive\ ([a^]t*t[e^]n"t[i^]v), a. [Cf. F.
1. Heedful; intent; observant; regarding with care or

Note: Attentive is applied to the senses of hearing and
seeing, as, an attentive ear or eye; to the application
of the mind, as in contemplation; or to the application
of the mind, in every possible sense, as when a person
is attentive to the words, and to the manner and
matter, of a speaker at the same time.

2. Heedful of the comfort of others; courteous.

Syn: Heedful; intent; observant; mindful; regardful;
circumspect; watchful.
-- {At*ten"tive*ly}, adv. --
{At*ten"tive*ness}, n.

  1. As Mohammad discusses rates on the telephone, other traders stand nearby, listening attentively.
  2. The Chinese, many of whom nod off during the hour-and-a-half-long sermons by Chinese pastors, listened attentively to Graham's message.
  3. A Foreign Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said officials would "study attentively" the text of the Khalaf interview.
  4. What is required is a standardised, transparent contract market which can be regulated attentively.
  5. Most listened attentively, but a few boys in warmup suits tapped their feet impatiently when an enticing spring breeze entered through the open auditorium doors.
  6. Maids and plainclothes KGB agents are often seen sitting together before television sets in halls, watching attentively and sometimes with the volumn off.
  7. Morris, who was a first-year doctoral student in computer studies before his suspension, sat attentively as lawyers questioned potential jurors.
  8. "This catastrophe represents the largest U.S. oil spill," Cole told the jurors who listened attentively to his outline of the case he would present against Hazelwood. "It left in its wake a path of destruction and death.
  9. Happy noises hum down the halls of the Progressive Christian Academy and filter into the paneled office. Principal Betty Tolbert stops her paperwork to listen attentively.
  10. "Commission deputies attentively listened to their arguments but did not support them," Tass said, in a brief report on the meeting.
  11. All the bitter things in my life Are something precious to me Mr. Tung's colleagues, listening attentively, nod in approval.
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