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 attempt [ə'tɛmpt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 尝试, 企图

vt. 尝试, 企图

[法] 未遂罪, 未遂行为, 企图

  1. He didn't pass the exam, but it was a good attempt.
  2. Before they fled the country, the enemy vainly attempted to destroy all the factories.
  3. My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.

[ noun ]
  1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something

  2. <noun.act>
    made an effort to cover all the reading material
    wished him luck in his endeavor
    she gave it a good try
  3. the act of attacking

  4. <noun.act>
    attacks on women increased last year
    they made an attempt on his life
[ verb ]
  1. make an effort or attempt

  2. <verb.social> assay essay seek try
    He tried to shake off his fears
    The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps
    The police attempted to stop the thief
    He sought to improve himself
    She always seeks to do good in the world
  3. enter upon an activity or enterprise

  4. <verb.creation>
    set about undertake

Attempt \At*tempt"\, v. i.
To make an attempt; -- with upon. [Obs.] --Sir T. Browne.

Attempt \At*tempt"\, n.
A essay, trial, or endeavor; an undertaking; an attack, or an
effort to gain a point; esp. an unsuccessful, as contrasted
with a successful, effort.

By his blindness maimed for high attempts. --Milton.

{Attempt to commit a crime} (Law), such an intentional
preparatory act as will apparently result, if not
extrinsically hindered, in a crime which it was designed
to effect. --Wharton.

Syn: {Attempt}, {Endeavor}, {Effort}, {Exertion}, {Trial}.

Usage: These words agree in the idea of calling forth our
powers into action. Trial is the generic term; it
denotes a putting forth of one's powers with a view to
determine what they can accomplish; as, to make trial
of one's strength. An attempt is always directed to
some definite and specific object; as, ``The attempt,
and not the deed, confounds us.'' --Shak. An endeavor
is a continued attempt; as, ``His high endeavor and
his glad success.'' --Cowper. Effort is a specific
putting forth of strength in order to carry out an
attempt. Exertion is the putting forth or active
exercise of any faculty or power. ``It admits of all
degrees of effort and even natural action without
effort.'' --C. J. Smith. See {Try}.

Attempt \At*tempt"\ (?; 215), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Attempted};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Attempting}.] [OF. atenter, also spelt
atempter, F. attenter, fr. L. attentare to attempt; ad +
tentare, temptare, to touch, try, v. intens. of tendere to
stretch. See {Tempt}, and cf. {Attend}.]
1. To make trial or experiment of; to try; to endeavor to do
or perform (some action); to assay; as, to attempt to
sing; to attempt a bold flight.

Something attempted, something done,
Has earned a night's repose. --Longfellow.

2. To try to move, by entreaty, by afflictions, or by
temptations; to tempt. [Obs. or Archaic]

It made the laughter of an afternoon
That Vivien should attempt the blameless king.

3. To try to win, subdue, or overcome; as, one who attempts
the virtue of a woman.

Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further:
Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute. --Shak.

4. To attack; to make an effort or attack upon; to try to
take by force; as, to attempt the enemy's camp.

Without attempting his adversary's life. --Motley.

Syn: See {Try}.

  1. Hundreds of people _ ranging from Ku Klux Klansmen carrying Rebel flags to black students singing "We Shall Overcome" _ gathered outside the Capitol for Reed's attempt.
  2. In these instances, he said, the panel would be looking at a broad range of similar transactions in an attempt to reach a decision which would be applicable to the activities of a broad range of market participants.
  3. The nation's church leaders met 30 years ago in an attempt to forge a united front to challenge apartheid, but the agreement collapsed when the Dutch Reformed Church rejected it.
  4. The Chiat/Day/Mojo spokesman said the Drexel situation was unrelated to the attempt to win J.P. Morgan's business.
  5. "We're running a tightrope between an attempt to keep things normal and secure," Superintendent Donald Monroe said. "We shouldn't tell schools across America to lock their doors to the neighborhoods around them," Monroe said.
  6. "The way I read it, it's an attempt to show the lengths that the art community will go to thumb their noses at government grants," said Jack Morrissey, an associate editor at Universal Press Syndicate.
  7. Had the latest coup attempt succeeded, the result could have been another civil war in this country of 100 million, wrote columnist Richard Akinnola wrote in the independent Vanguard newspaper.
  8. Graber predicted he would have the 100 votes needed for a veto override by the time the attempt comes, probably in May.
  9. In another apparent attempt to mollify bank holding companies, the Fed allowed them to count as capital whatever good will they had on their books as of last March and apply it toward the 8% capital requirement.
  10. "An eventual separation of a Baltic republic from the Soviet Union will be less pain from the point of view of progress and perestroika than an attempt to keep it by force, by tanks," he said.
  11. The Caribbean News Agency, quoting police and hospital sources, said on Saturday that at least 22 people have died in fighting since the coup attempt began, but exactly where the fighting occurred remained unclear.
  12. "What are the chances of this person in Iowa calling a random number in Tempe and getting a recording" describing a suicide attempt?
  13. The Gramm-Rudman Act forced government to at least attempt scaling back, and the phasing out of tax deductions on installment debt has made individuals more conscious of saving rather than spending.
  14. "They don't attempt to educate anyone about any possible health effects of smoking.
  15. This possible "trophy pricing" could hinder Mr. Traub's attempt.
  16. A few policemen kept their distance and made no attempt to disperse the demonstrators.
  17. President Reagan acknowledged today that he leaves office "without a hint or a clue" as to the whereabouts of Americans held hostage in Lebanon and said any overt rescue attempt could risk their execution.
  18. St. Croix is at least 75% black, and the looting seems to have been a very understandable attempt by the black poor to get a more equitable distribution of the island's resources.
  19. Intelsat's board of governors authorized the rescue attempt during a weeklong meeting in Barbados that ended Wednesday.
  20. Fried chicken king Al Copeland may resume his $290 million takeover attempt against Church's Fried Chicken, a federal appeals court ruled.
  21. An attempt to quietly remove a nearly century-old stone monument honoring white supremacists has sparked racial tensions and threatens federal funds for a construction project, officials said.
  22. An attempt to have Chicago's black community unite behind one mayoral candidate yielded no clear winner as delegates to a meeting showed strong support for two contenders.
  23. The Treasury held back its approval of the IFC capital increase in an attempt to force the agency into more private-sector lending, including unguaranteed lending to private companies.
  24. Gramm has said the attempt to grab CFTC authority over stock-index futures is driven by "jealousy" on Wall Street and "regulatory imperialism" at the SEC.
  25. Connecticut, in an attempt to lure more young people into the work force, raises its minimum wage 25%, effective October 1988, and considers lowering the minimum working age to 15.
  26. This has made the roads too expensive for most Mexican truck and car drivers. In an attempt to spread capital costs over a longer period, a category of Mexican infrastructure bond has been introduced.
  27. The guerrillas later told the family that the senator was kidnapped as part of the rebel group's attempt to start peace talks with the government.
  28. This prohibition was partly blamed for the failed coup attempt against Manuel Noriega before he was finally apprehended.
  29. Shorts say his proposal is another attempt to prop up the price.
  30. Leaves have turned brown and fallen off the beloved 65-foot tree since a potent herbicide was poured at its base in what police said was an attempt by a 45-year-old farm-supply salesman to cast a spell or a curse.
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