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 atonic [ə'tɑnɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无重音的, 清音的, 张力缺乏的

[医] 张力缺乏的, 弛缓的

  1. Atonic seizures: An independent epilepsy type or epilepsy syndrome?
  2. The importance of tone is limited in the modern shanghainese, especially in the atonic syllables. One marks only the accentuated tones.

[ adj ]
  1. characterized by a lack of tonus

  2. <adj.pert>
  3. used of syllables

  4. <adj.all>
    an atonic syllable carries no stress

Atones \At*ones\, adv. [See {At one}.] [Obs.]

Down he fell atones as a stone. --Chaucer.
Atonic \A*ton"ic\, a. [Cf. F. atonique. See
1. (Med.) Characterized by atony, or lack of vital energy;
as, an atonic disease.

2. (Gram.) Unaccented; as, an atonic syllable.

3. Destitute of tone vocality; surd. --Rush.

Atonic \A*ton"ic\, n.
1. (Gram.) A word that has no accent.

2. An element of speech entirely destitute of vocality, or
produced by the breath alone; a nonvocal or surd
consonant; a breathing. --Rush.

3. (Med.) A remedy capable of allaying organic excitement or
irritation. --Dunglison.

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