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 astrocytoma   添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 星形细胞瘤

  1. Purpose: To explore the relationship between MRI manifestations and pathological grade in Astrocytoma.

astrocytoma \astrocytoma\ n.
a tumor of nervous tissue derived from interstitial cells, in
which the cells are relatively well-differentiated and
resemble astrocytes. The occur primarily in the crebrum and
cerebellum. --Stedman

  1. Kornblith said the growth, known as a astrocytoma, was the most common primary brain tumor.
  2. He said for a grade I astrocytoma the five-year survival rate is about 50 percent when treated aggressively.
  3. That's not an errand worth doing, in my opinion." Price's "normal number of exceptions" to his happy life includes being stricken by astrocytoma, a cancerous nerve tumor in his spinal cord that has left him a paraplegic since 1984.
  4. Grade IV, more commonly called glioblastoma multiforme or anaplastic astrocytoma, are always fatal, Harter said.
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